Friday, October 19, 2012

Send Lawyers, Guns And Money

The Martin Chronicles has been receiving all manner of information from its wide net of sources as the clock ticks down to the beginning of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's removal hearing that begins Monday evening. We thought we would share some of these morsels as we head in to what may be a wild weekend.

Many observers believe Martin has at least one more outrageous stunt to pull to prevent the start of the hearing. The top prediction? That either Martin announces he has fired attorney Toad McMurtry or Toad McMurtry announces that he has resigned as Martin's attorney. If either one of those things happen Shorty will plead for more time. The long shot prediction? A few believe that Martin may fake his own death and move to Eastern Kentucky to earn a living as an itinerant handyman.

Local pundits are concerned that Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro will deliver another way-too-folksy performance at the removal hearing. The strong evidence of Martin's misconduct swamped Taliaferro's "aw shucks" April 30 presentation. How do we know that? The media reports revealed Martin for the corrupt, incompetent clown that he is.

But the removal hearing is different. Toad McMurtry-assuming he is still representing Shorty on Monday-will throw bucket fulls of nonsense against the wall in an attempt to deflect attention away from Martin's misconduct and neglect of duty. Talaiferro needs to avoid any more pointless trips down memory lane, recounting how Shorty once sent him a love letter. Nobody cares that Martin goes to Haiti or left church early to unclog some pinhead's toilet. This is serious stuff. Talaferro needs to treat it that way. Because Toad McMurtry certainly will.

Our sources in Frankfort report that Martin is continuing his intimidation of witnesses. His latest gambit? Shorty has advised the employees that he will not pay them for their time at the removal hearing.  The Kentucky Labor Board takes a drastically different view. Shorty will most likely be hearing from them-yet again-very soon.

Given the loudmouth Janet Martin's penchant for pushing all manner of off-the-wall conspiracy theory to explain away her corrupt husband's misconduct, look for some more wingnut, black helicopter stuff. One source who's predictions have been right on the money throughout Martin's Reign of Error is convinced that Martin and Toad McMurtry will claim that the Villa Hills police and Shorty's enemies on council faked the entire document destruction charge.

That wild claim will prove interesting. Why? Because Martin has already blamed MARY HARDMAN for the January records roast and claims Sue Bree was simply shredding her old Atkin's Diet recipes back in July. So now the story changes to a massive conspiracy to once again get Shorty?  Martin now maintains that the records destruction charge is "slander that hasn't been proven yet". He's partially right. It hasn't been proven yet.

We also hear that residents become quite upset when they learn that Shorty has yet another lawsuit against the taxpayers. You remember that Martin, through attorney Toad McMurtry, filed a suit against you a couple of weeks ago.

One wag quipped that he guesses that's what the hayseeds and ridge-runners mean when they place a "Mayor Martin We Support You" sign in their front yard. Our quipster laughed, "They support Shorty alright. They are paying for the cost of defending Martin's lawsuits against them. They are paying for the cost of attorney Bobby Winters and Martin's DEFAMATION of and RETALIATION against a City employee. Heck, Martin even wants the taxpayers to support him by paying for attorney Toad McMurtry. The problem is that all of us are being forced to support Shorty".

Whether we want to or not.