Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Facts AND The Law Are Against Him

"I welcome the investigation. I am sure I will be fully exonerated", former Villa Hills Mayor Steve Clark in a 2000 interview with Kentucky Enquirer reporter Patrick Crowley.

"They don't have the votes to remove me", current Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin, to anyone in the media who will listen.

Stark contrast, we'd say.

The Martin Chronicles gets it. We are quite familiar with the old saying, "If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the facts and the law are against you, yell like hell". Thus, Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin, and by extension his attorney Todd McMurtry are reduced to "yelling like hell".

Martin, through his attorney, has launched yet another salvo at Special Counsel and the city council. What is it this time? Well, Martin is refusing to comply with the subpoena he was served last Friday. Martin, through his attorney, is in effect maintaining that despite State statute providing them the authority, city council has no right to investigate the malfeasant mayor's official actions. Is that a fact? You don't say? Well, if Martin said it, it must be true? No. Wait a minute!

There is even more bluster and sabre-rattling in this second letter. It has a familiar, Martinesque ring. Martin, through his attorney, is alleging that city council is violating his "civil rights" by calling him as a witness. Martin, through his attorney, goes on to say that this alleged "civil rights" violation is actionable. Oh happy day! Perhaps we can look forward to Martin suing the taxpayers of Villa Hills yet again.

Think back. Martin was arrested a few years ago for signing someone else's name on the back of that someone else's checks and cashing those checks. After tap-dancing around an investigation that began in Hamilton County, Ohio, Martin finally became the subject of an arrest warrant. A sympathetic judge let Martin off the hook by allowing him to adjust his relationship with that someone else's estate after the fact. Instead of dropping to his knees to thank the Great Spirit for his good fortune, he filed a lawsuit against two police officers and the taxpayers. The basis of his lawsuit? That his "civil rights" were violated when an arrest warrant was issued for him.

Remember, four learned judges reviewed the last Martin lawsuit against the taxpayers and drop-kicked it out of court. One went so far as to write, "Martin is barking up the wrong tree". But don't think that embarrassment will in any way discourage Martin from suing yet again.

Here are some novel thoughts:
  • Perhaps Martin could have spent a little time learning the "do's" and "don'ts" of running a city government so that he would not have become a serial violator of several serious State statutes.
  • Perhaps Martin could have started out by actually telling the truth when council first approached him about their concerns.
  • Perhaps Martin could have had a truthful "sit-down" with Special Counsel after the malfeasant mayor's perpetual lying gave city council no choice but to initiate an investigation.
  • Perhaps Martin could have done the right thing late in 2011, instead of costing the taxpayers TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS with his ongoing delaying tactics.
  • Perhaps Martin could finally take responsibility for somethingANYTHING!!!

No, Martin hasn't done any of these things. Instead, he has resorted to his tried and true methods. You know what they are. Play the hapless victim. Sow the seeds of paranoia. Divide neighbor against neighbor. And most of all? LIE, LIE, LIE and when that doesn't work, LIE SOME MORE.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Martin has whipped a segment of the population into a frenzy over the cost of Special Counsel's investigation. This despite the fact that Martin is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for almost all of that cost. If he is truly concerned about the taxpayers, why is Martin DEMANDING that the taxpayers PAY FOR HIS ATTORNEY BILL AS WELL?]