Monday, October 29, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: It Didn't Take Long!

The Martin Chronicles reported in our last post that a local pundit predicted Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin would soon do "something crazy". We have come to expect the unexpected from the malevolent Martin. But the speed at which the outrage we are about to report to you happened admittedly even surprised us at least a little bit.

Martin has announced-through his high-priced whore Toad McMurtry-that he will not pay Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro for the many months Martin himself dragged out the investigation into his mayoral misconduct. Martin and Toad McMurtry hold that the Municipal Order passed by City Council more than a year ago is not the correct legal mechanism to allow for payment. Just hearing this probably has Martin's hillbilly lynchmob and-to use high-priced whore Toad McMurtry's phrase-the baboons at the Civic Club jumping for joy.

Well, as they say in the infomercials, "But wait. There's more!" You see, this has nothing to do with a "principled" stand against the Special Counsel investigation taken by the malfeasant Martin and his high-priced whore McMurtry. If it did, Martin would never have paid any of Special Counsel's bills. But of course he has.

So what is this really all about? Martin is ham-handedly trying to BLACKMAIL the City Council into forcing the taxpayers into footing his high-priced whore's legal fees. Sources tell us that they believe Martin is pulling this stunt under the direction of McMurtry-who simply wants to cash his check as soon as possible. Given McMurtry's shameless behavior at the removal hearing, we are inclined to suspect our sources are exactly right.

It is important to note that it was City Attorney Mike Duncan who advised the City Council to use the Municipal Order as the correct mechanism to hire Special Counsel. Suppose Martin and Toad McMurtry are correct about the Municipal Order. Then, it should be Ziegler & Schneider-and not the taxpayers-who should be obligated to pay Special Counsel's bills.

Still, no one but Martin should pay the legal bills of his high-priced whore. Hey, why don't the baboons at the Civic Club hold a fundraiser to help Shorty? How great would that be?

It's a good thing that both Mike Duncan and Ziegler & Schneider have Errors & Omissions insurance. They just might need it.

Do you think maybe, just maybe, Martin's $47.50 per hour, taxpayer-funded, crony-hire, in-over-her-head- clerk/bookkeeper, wife-of-council-candidate-Dale, Cordelia Schaber should consider getting Errors & Omissions insurance too?