Friday, October 12, 2012

How DOES He Do It?

The Martin Chronicles has been listening to Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE and then LIE some more about virtually every issue that surfaces. For those who have known Martin for a long time, Shorty's non-stop LYING is no surprise. For the uninitiated, it has obviously been a little tough to wrap their heads around.

Our publisher had lunch with an old friend a couple of days ago. While this friend lives far away from Villa Hills, he has seen almost all of the recent news reports. And, it was very easy for him to come to the obvious conclusion that Martin is both incompetent and corrupt. Our publisher says his friend was amazed that in virtually every media report he has seen at least one Villa Hills resident says, "I just don't see what the big deal is." The friend went so far as to ask our publisher if Martin is putting a hallucinogenic in the City's water supply. Hmmmm.

Martin has been caught in yet another LIE (this has become far easier than shooting fish in a barrel). What has Shorty LIED about this time? Well, Martin's thick-headed stone-walling has delayed the Special Counsel's investigation for many, many, many unnecessary months. Martin's stalling has cost the taxpayers a fortune.

Martin has been LYING to council and Special Counsel, often telling them all that his attorney had advised him to make no statements. We have now learned that was another Martin LIE. Why? Because Martin didn't have an attorney.

So how do we know this? That's easy. The attorney he finally hired-Todd McMurtry-told us so himself in a recent news article. In case you have forgotten, Martin and McMurtry also want YOU to pick up his legal bills. How about that?

We have another question before we sign off. Did you read the Community Recorder article about Martin's alleged retaliation against an employee who is cooperating with Special Counsel? If you haven't, you certainly should.

Remember, Martin made several charges against the employee. The employee then requested a Civil Service Board hearing. Martin used YOUR money to hire yet another City Attorney-Bobby Winters- to handle the hearing. And then? Martin decided to deny the employee due process by ducking the Civil Service Board hearing. 

So here is our question. We read that Martin was in the council chambers to set up before the Civil Service Board hearing. We read that Martin was in the council chambers to clean up after the Civil Service Board hearing.

So then why couldn't Martin stay during the meeting to allow the employee her constitutionally-guaranteed right to face her accuser?