Friday, October 5, 2012

Where To Begin?

The Martin Chronicles is pulling together all of the information on today's court hearing. You know. The court hearing where Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin and his attorney-and new fellow traveler on the Disorient Express-Todd McMurtry tried to save Shorty from the looming removal hearing.

Judge Summe did grant McMurtry's request to move the hearing. But that is not a victory for Martin. Why? Because Shorty's removal hearing will now start October 22. Martin and McMurtry were desperate to delay the hearing until after the election. Why? To help the "Let's Save Shorty's Biscuits" ticket of Schaber, Koening, Isenhour-Menninger, Wischer, Goering and Cahill. Instead, look for Martin's hillbilly lynchmob to carpet bomb the City with lie-filled literature over the next two weeks.

The judge ordered River Ridge Elementary to honor City Council's original request to serve as the venue for Martin's removal hearing. Why the (EXPLETIVE) not? The more the merrier.

Martin also had his megalomaniacal demand to preside over his own removal hearing denied. The hearing will be presided over by an experienced judge. The hearing will be conducted like a true court proceeding. ANYONE who attempts to disrupt the hearing can be removed and arrested.

Judge Summe also addressed Martin's authority-abusing Executive Order. On six different occasions, the judge pointed out that attempts to intimidate witnesses are criminal behavior. Employees who have been intimidated by Martin are within their rights to file a criminal complaint.

Judge Summe also informed the court that the subpoenas issued to Martin, Bree, Robbins, Goodenough, Schutzman, Yelton, Smith and Hardman are valid. Those eight, and another unnamed witness, must comply with the subpoenas or they will be held in contempt of court.

Martin was also advised that the April 26 order to cease the destruction of City documents was direct and clear. Martin was advised that he could be arrested at any time on contempt charges for his continued records destruction. In an interesting moment, the judge said she would not have Martin arrested before the October 22 hearing because she didn't want to disrupt the October 22 proceeding.

More to come.