Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Halloween Haunted Hearing

The Martin Chronicles has listened to Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin cloyingly beat his chest about being a budget cutter. This despite the sea of red ink he continues to generate. We also know Martin is desperately trying to change the venue of the removal hearing currently scheduled for Monday, October 8.

We have a suggestion. If Martin, through his attorney, is successful in conning a judge into delaying the removal hearing via an injunction-why not combine the removal hearing with the Civic Club's Halloween Haunted Walk??

Wouldn't it be great? Can't you just imagine some of the scenes?
  • Imagine a backhoe reminiscent of Stephen King's killer car Christine, illegally crushing all manner of City property!!
  • Can't you just see the frightening woman in scrubs, swinging a bloody axe and repeating over and over, "I'm a nurse . . . I'm a nurse . . . I'm a nurse . . . "
  • How about the scene honoring that great 1950's science fiction movie Attack of the Giant Shredders when mutant pulp slicers threatened to devour all of the paper on the planet.
  • We would see The Temporary Bride of Frankenstein lying on a slab and hooked up to electrodes installed by an unlicensed electrician - but only through tax season.
  • There would be a scene featuring a mob of toothless, bib overall-wearing hayseeds lynching, ah, well, er, uh . . . THE TRUTH!
  • Then there would be a coven of witches standing around a bubbling cauldron. Yes, of course you know why.
  • A figure of The Prince of Darkness would be standing in the middle of an eight-sided pentagram.
  • A bulbous-headed ridge-running bookkeeper would keep re-appearing despite having resigned nearly a year ago!!!!
  • So, where would Shorty be? Standing by a firepit of course. He would be tossing ream after ream after ream of paper into the inferno. And oh yeah, he would be passing out sticks of gum to the Trick or Treaters.
To all of you Martinites who continue to issue not-so-vague threats of gun violence, don't worry. Shorty is convinced they don't have the votes to remove him.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: The Martin Chronicles was shocked to read State Senate Candidate Jim Noll's flyer endorsing DRUG ABUSE and TERRORISM. We will have a FULL REPORT on this APPALLING STORY!]]