Thursday, October 18, 2012

He Wouldn't Survive Voir Dire

The Martin Chronicles laughs when we hear all of the various and sundry bizarre conspiracy theories being pushed by Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin, his mouthy wife Janet and the rest of Shorty's hillbilly lynchmob. All of their lunatic fringe ramblings begin with the false premise that the looming removal hearing is nothing more than the culmination of two years of councilmembers upset that Martin won the election. These wingnuts gloss over the FACT that the removal hearing IS the direct result of all of the Martin misconduct and neglect of duty that took place AFTER the election. That is why so many other people are now unhappy that Shorty won the election.

A REAL conspiracy was finally openly discussed at last night's monthly council meeting. A resident finally publicly addressed the FACT that the mouthy Janet Martin IS assisting councilmember Jim Noll's State Senate campaign. Noll and Mr. and Mrs. Shorty were stone-faced.

Sources have confirmed that Noll admits to Mrs. Shorty's door-to-door assistance in an e-mail. His admission wouldn't matter anyway. Our entire staff has watched the video that provides clear evidence of the mouthy Janet Martin delivering Noll's campaign propaganda.

Here's the problem. Jim Noll will be sitting on a jury charged with evaluating evidence against the mouthy Janet Martin's husband beginning this coming Monday night. Jim Noll is totally compromised. Jim Noll is completely conflicted out. Any decision Jim Noll makes during the upcoming removal hearing is suspect forevermore.

Remember, the malfeasant Martin unsuccessfully sued the taxpayers of Villa Hills to stop the removal hearing. Judge Patricia Summe made it abundantly clear to Martin and his attorney Todd McMurtry that city council's plan for the removal hearing was more than fair. Judge Summe advised Martin and McMurty that the proceeding had the full weight and legitimacy of any other court.

Would any other court allow someone to sit on the jury if that "someone" was working with the mouthy wife of the defendant? Especially if that mouthy wife was providing an important service to the potential juror? Of course not. It wouldn't even be a close call.

The residents of Villa Hills are becoming increasingly aware of Jim Nolls' horrible judgment. Noll should take himself out of the removal hearing. If he doesn't, the judge should remove him from the jury.

You are getting EXACTLY what you voted for.