Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Who Else Is Wondering?

The Martin Chronicles wonders if we are the only ones interested in why Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin, City Council members and a cadre of attorneys were in executive session for well over an hour during last week's Council meeting. Or, have the sluggish citizens of the embattled and embarrassed town been effectively propagandized by the miscreant Martin and his venal cronies in to believing that everything is attributable to "bickering"?

The Martin Chronicles also wonders if we are the only ones interested in knowing exactly what information was presented in executive session that renewed the call for a removal hearing for the misleading Martin. Or, have the drowsy residents bought the bogus spin that all of this turmoil is just the result of a massive conspiracy to "get" the meat-headed Martin? He goes to Haiti, after all.

The Martin Chronicles also wonders if we are the only ones wondering what in the wide, wide world of sports could be so (EXPLETIVE) serious that the City Attorney just had all of the paper shredders in the City Office at 720 Rogers Road REMOVED?!?! Or, have the sleepy townsfolk simply lapped up the civic club lies that people are just picking on the mismanaging Martin?

There were some great lines in The Martin Chronicles newsroom when this information was rounded up very early this morning. Our best investigative reporter quipped, "Taking the paper shredders out of the mangling Martin's City Building now is like putting a new battery in your smoke detector after your house has burned to the ground!" Another one of our very best reporters commented on this most recent, odd turn of events, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times and all bets are off!"

The election is now just 77 days away. Despite all of the media reportage of Martin's mayhem, many people are still groping around in the dark. There are even people-albeit mostly clueless ones-who proudly display "Mayor Martin We Support You" signs in their yard.

Our biggest concern? That the vapid voters will invest no time to learn the truth about what Martin has done yet again, and simply vote for "Peace In Our Time".