Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Big Numbers

The Martin Chronicles anticipates welcoming its' 50,000th unique visitor some time tomorrow! We'd be less than forthcoming if we didn't tell you how happy we are to continue to grow our loyal readership. Despite the fact that we are covering the sordid behavior of the dishonest Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin.

To celebrate, our publisher has secured an undisclosed, remote location to throw a huge party. Our entire staff will enjoy a gourmet cookout and open, fully-stocked bar! But that does not mean we won't still be covering the continuing drama in the embattled and embarrassed little city along the Ohio. Martin is up to no good every single day. We don't miss a thing!

While we are on the subject of big numbers that are in the tens of thousands, our publisher sent us an email, expanding on something we posted yesterday.

While it is clear that Martin has and continues to commit acts of misconduct that warrant his removal from office, the efforts to lay the entire truth of Martin's reckless and wrongful behavior before the public seem to be at a standstill.

I believe the public has the right to know the truth. I believe council has the duty to take a public position on where they stand on Martin's misconduct. They would do so by holding a removal hearing and taking a vote.

Furthermore, I strongly believe that if council does nothing further with the evidence of Martin's wrongdoing that has been compiled they are even doing a disservice to Martin. He deserves his day in court.

Tens of thousands of dollars have been spent on this investigation. I wholeheartedly believe council was right to move ahead. Martin's dangerous behavior has put the taxpayers at risk in many ways.

But to stop short means that every penny that has been spent was a waste.