Several sources tell us that Martin has begun his door-to-door calumny, urging the disengaged voters of that embattled and embarrassed city to vote for Martin's lawsuit co-defendant, Dale Schaber. Yeah, you know Dale Schaber. He's the husband of Cordelia "Cordie" Schaber. The woman who has her snout in the Villa Hills taxpayer trough to the tune of $47.50 per pointless hour. "Cordie", the befuddled bookkeeper who told us she resigned from her Villa Hills' crony job last November-but continues to be paid!
Martin's "rationale" for residents to cast one of their six votes for the LIBELING and SLANDERING Schaber? Well, that mean, old nasty majority on the current council is "stopping" Martin. And we thank God for that! We also ask, "stopping him from what?!?!"
So, if Schaber is elected, will Martin be able to
- waste even more taxpayer dollars?
- tell more lies?
- do even less road repair?
- wantonly destroy more City property?
- deviously destroy more City records?
- improperly deny more open records requests?
- misuse more City resources and personnel?
- raise taxes even higher?
- file more false police reports?
- make more unsubstantiated and LIBELOUS allegations?
- foolishly allow more sexual harassment of City employees?
Yeah. That would all be really, really, really good. Isn't this fun?