Wednesday, August 22, 2012

That's A Really Bright Idea

The Martin Chronicles continues to hear the gibberish that there are a significant number of people who plan to vote out any Villa Hills City Council incumbents just so that all of "the bickering" will stop. Never known to pull any punches, we say that is absolutely the second-most ridiculous idea we have heard around these parts. The most ridiculous idea? The one foisted by the mendacious Mayor Martin and his venal cronies that The Little Man From Norwood would somehow bring a refreshing change to City government.

While our message may fall on deaf ears, we are going to continue to repeat it again:
  • The disagreement between Martin and the council began even before the January, 2011 meeting when Martin LIED, saying he did have all of the required business licenses.
  • The disagreement continued when Martin hired the wholly unqualified Cordelia Schaber to completely mangle the City's financial records as a contract employee without a contract!
  • The disagreement worsened when Martin dopily sloughed off his wanton destruction of City property.
  • The disagreement persisted when Martin mule-headedly refused to bring the police department to proper staffing levels. The current crime wave is all the proof required to reveal Martin for the pinhead that he is.
  • The disagreement degraded when Martin LIED to council about his improper removal of taxpayer-funded computers from the City Building.
  • The disagreement degenerated when council learned that Martin "saw no problem" with Councilman Jim Noll's alleged sexual harassment of a City employee.
  • The disagreement caught fire when Martin was caught burning City records in the middle of a serious lawsuit. Martin made it worse by LYING to council several times about his document destruction. A judge later rebuked Martin, telling him that great harm was done to the residents of Villa Hills by his foolish-and potentially felonious-action.
  • The disagreement was exacerbated when Martin frantically informed the council that his gross mismanagement of the budget required a $150,000 budget amendment. Why the red ink? Because Martin was desperately trying to save his "wife's(?) house".
  • The disagreement will most likely go further south now because Martin has evidently repeated some past misconduct that prompted the City Attorney to order all paper shredders removed from the City Building. Gee, what happened this time?
As our long-time readers know, there are many, many more examples of Martin's misconduct and mismanagement we can list. But even the densest blockhead should be able to see that it is Martin who is the root cause of what they goofily call "the bickering". So then how does it make sense to reward Martin with free rein?

Well, the vexing voters think removing all obstacles to  Martin's mismanagement and misconduct is a good idea?!?! Really? Is that a fact? Brothers and sisters, that is very foolish. But then a slim majority of these same voters elected Martin in the first place.