Thursday, August 30, 2012

Time For The Facts

The Martin Chronicles sees turmoil on the horizon. It's not the impending rain generated by the remnants of Hurricane Isaac. It's the torrent of facts we believe are coming out shortly about the misconduct of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin.

It is time. The people of Villa Hills have a right to know that Martin is more than the incompetent little fellow who has decimated their police department, racked up shocking levels of red ink and mismanaged the road repair program to a dead stop. It is worse than that. Martin's wanton and reckless behavior-defying a direct order from a judge-has put the taxpayers in a dreadful position.

Martin has told LIE after LIE after LIE, desperately trying to portray himself as a victim. He has accused others of all manner of conspiracy targeting him. He claims everyone is out to get him, when in reality it is his dishonesty and incompetence that is his undoing.

While THE TRUTH trumps everything, there is also an element of politics involved as well. People need to know that the Martinite candidates Schaber, Koenig, Isenhour-Menninger and Wischer are dead wrong when they tell voters that Martin deserves your help and support. The reality? Martin needs to be check-mated for the remainder of his dreadful time in office. Only a sober presentation of the facts will make that clear.

The people of Villa Hills and, yes, The Little Man From Norwood himself, do deserve a careful and public review of the facts. Now is the time.