Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Unahandyman Manifesto II??

The Martin Chronicles believes Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin tipped his dishonest hand at the July council meeting. Once again, Martin was revealed to be a liar during the slugfest that occurred in the final fifteen minutes of that meeting. "The Little Man From Norwood" was confronted about two of the many falsehoods contained in his now-infamous Unahandyman Manifesto. You may recall that Martin and his obese hillbilly lynch mob waddled door-to-door distributing that libelous letter last April.

So how did Martin tip his hand? At one point towards the end of the very heated discussion, an obviously-flustered Martin blurted out, "The residents are going to hear the truth!" Councilman Tim Sogar's coy reply was priceless, "They already have."

But what is this "truth" that Martin says the residents are going to hear? First of all, if it's coming from Martin, we know it won't be the truth. So then what will it be?

The Martin Chronicles is convinced that it will be a phony, full-scale attack on the incumbents-whether they are running for re-election or not-condemning them for wasting tens of thousands of dollars on a Special Counsel investigation that Martin will deceptively say "found nothing". Judging by the many lies Martin has told in the past about his legitimate forgery arrest and during his dirtbag mayoral campaign, "The Little CEO" is bound to say he has been "vindicated".

We predict Martin and his fat followers will once again hit the "tall tale trail", passing out Unahandyman Manifesto II literature proclaiming his innocence-and supporting the pernicious pinheads he hopes are elected to council on November 2.

Yes, we know. Martin will be lying. Again. But those brazen lies have worked in the past. Why shouldn't Martin dip into the same deceit one more time?

This was the guy who had his step-daughter sinisterly shilling for him at the 2010 Candidates Forum at the cesspool laughingly called a Civic Club. Misrepresenting herself as a Villa Hills resident, Martin's shameless step-daughter asked each candidate the same falsely-framed question, "What do you think of the violation of Mike Martin's constitutional rights?"

Confronted with a room full of Martinesque illiterate hillbillies, ridge-runners and rubes, each candidate had to squirm and dance around the question to avoid being lynched. It was disgusting. It was repulsive. It was filthy. It was nauseating. It was sordid. Well, it was Martin after all.

Oddly, The Martin Chronicles does agree that if city council remains frozen in place, without even a thorough and very public explanation of why they aren't pressing ahead with a removal hearing for the miscreant Martin, the money they have spent on the Special Counsel has been wasted.

Even still, that makes Martin no less a skunk.