Saturday, August 25, 2012

SATURDAY UPDATE: "I'm Not Perfect."

The Martin Chronicles was surprised by Villa Hills miscreant Mayor Mike Martin's shocking confession to WCPO that he isn't "perfect". OH NO!! ALERT THE CIVIC CLUB!! MAN BATTLE STATIONS!! HOW ABOUT THAT!!, TO THE BATCAVE!! HOLY (EXPLETIVE)!! STOP THE PRESSES!! GREAT CAESAR'S GHOST!!, CHEESE AND CRACKERS!!, DIAL 911!! WHAT THE (EXPLETIVE)?!?!? SAINT'S PRESERVE US!!, GO TO DEFCON 1!! And all of this time we thought The Little Man From Norwood was flawless.

Flawless as long as you set aside his perpetual lying, offical misconduct and incompetent mismanagement of all things City Government. And of course there is the contempt of court and his illegal business operations. But those are small issues. At least for the PRO-CRIME PINHEADS who display "Mayor Martin We Support You" signs in their yards and post hillbilly drivel on Facebook.

Martin's "I'm not perfect" comment echoes a ridiculous statement made by a long-time Villa Hills' peacenik who feebly offered up the same lame excuse for the mendacious mayor immediately following the April 30 Special Counsel presentation of the lengthy list of Martin wrongdoing. That jack(EXPLETIVE) and all those who think like him are the reason a person like Martin is able to perpetually get away with all manner of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Much like the fire and brimstone preacher who eventually gets caught up in a sex scandal with his pants around his ankles, Martin ran his 2010 dirtbag mayoral campaign on the (not-at-all-surprising) false premise that he was going to restore "truth and integrity" to the mayor's office. Martin launched personal attacks and made baseless allegations that are now being proven to be utterly false.

And then? Martin has been caught with his pants down around his ankles. He swivels to his right. He swivels to his left. He shuffles his papers. He taps his pen. He pushes his glasses up on top of his flat, little head. He clears his throat. He sputters that he wasn't even in the City Building.

His "two-raises-in-four-months" endlessly interim City Clerk Sue Bree spins a tale that she committed a gross violation of City Ethics Ordinances by misusing City shredders to dispose of her own personal documents. Her own words should lead to her immediate termination.

Yes, it is Martin-and Martin alone-who is tearing the City apart.