Friday, August 17, 2012

Koenig The Barbarian

The Martin Chronicles has Villa Hills City Council candidate Mary Koenig's number. And it's 666. The fact that she has reared her ugly head in support of the corrupt and incompetent Mayor Mike Martin should scare the (EXPLETIVE) out of every right-thinking resident. Koenig is a vile, vindictive, despicable person who, if elected, would take an already disastrous situation in Villa Hills City government and immediately make it far worse.

During Koenig's time on council in the '90's, she never met a tax increase or wild spending plan she wasn't enamored with.
  • Koenig wanted the taxpayers of Villa Hills to waste more than ONE MILLION DOLLARS on a swimming pool. The failure of many municipal pools all over the region prove just how wrong Koenig was.
  • Koenig also wanted the taxpayers to give the City of Crescent Springs ANOTHER ONE MILLION DOLLARS to build their park in their town.
  • Koenig wasted tens of thousands of dollars on engineering plans to basically "strip-mine" Franzen Field to turn it in to some kind of MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR sports complex.
  • Sources tell us that Koenig used her council position to get the City's public works crew to build a retaining wall and plant a pine tree barrier on her private property. Illegal? Not likely. But it certainly calls her ethics into question.
  • Koenig brought you the payroll tax, the insurance premium tax and always forcefully supported annual property tax increases to the maximum limit allowed by law.
Go back to The Martin Chronicles archives to read our January 9, 2012 post, "I can't believe all this stuff is going on". Those were the words babbled by now-miscreant Mayor Mike Martin when he expressed shock and dismay to reporter Patrick Crowley over then-Mayor Steve Clark's controversial firings of Police Chief Corky Brown and City Clerk Sue Kramer.

It's the darndest thing. Clark did the firing. But Mary Koenig was the one who orchestrated it all. Sources have shown us e-mails from Koenig to Clark where the hideous councilwoman advised Clark to, "pick Corky's brain and then get rid of him".

This is the kind of loathesome person Koening is. And now Martin is desperately looking to her to help save his corrupt, pimply hide. Odd, isn't it? They deserve one another.