Thursday, August 16, 2012

Racing To The Bottom

The Martin Chronicles was fortunate to have reporters covering last night's Villa Hills City Council meeting as there was a SNAFU in the live cable feed. Brothers and sisters, the mismanaging, malfeasant Mayor Martin has  created quite a mess. In fact, it is more than fair to describe the state of Villa Hills City Government as FUBAR.

At one point during the meeting Police Chief Dan Goodenough was explaining the tidal wave of burglaries and break-ins sweeping over the embattled and embarassed town that is a direct result of Martin's decimation of the police department. It has gotten so bad that burglars are even boldly walking into homes as residents are enjoying a morning cup of coffee and a cigarette at their kitchen table! Good morning Villa Hills!

Chief Goodenough was explaining that the department is operating with only five, over-worked, spread-way-too-thin officers. The Chief went on to explain that every time he attempts to discuss the need for additional officers with Martin, the mayor gets agitated and simply replies, "We aren't hiring anyone! Don't go there!"

Then a revealing moment. The mendacious Martin scolded Chief Goodenough, saying "that wasn't a fair statement". Safety is Martin's first priority after all.

Councilman George Bruns asked, "So then, Mayor, could you tell us why you won't hire anyone?" What did the mouth-breathing Martin say? Well, he immediately lapsed into his "We aren't hiring anyone! Don't go there!"

Everyone in the council chambers burst into laughter. But it really isn't funny.

But then there is Jimbo Noll. He is really, really, really funny. Noll and the emetic Mike Pope trumped up a phony reason to scold Greg Kilburn, falsely alleging that Mr. Kilburn was betraying something discussed in executive session by announcing that council was going to draw up charges and schedule a removal hearing for the malfeasant Martin.

Mr. Kilburn suggested that Noll is in no position to hurl accusations at others. Noll challenged Mr. Kilburn to explain what he meant. Noll was daring Kilburn to reveal what he knew. But because Mr. Kilburn is an ethical public servant who truly cares about the City, he declined to say something that would put the taxpayers in legal jeopardy.

The Martin Chronicles has no problem filling the nauseating Noll's request. Jimmy, you know what you are accused of. Assistant City Clerk Kimberly D. Robbins retained an attorney by the name of Barbara Bonar. Why? Because Ms. Robbins believes you have been sexually harassing her.

According to the documents we have reviewed, Ms. Robbins asked Mike Martin to intervene. She told Martin of the many times Noll came in to her office and sat down next to her. She told Martin of Noll's persistence in inviting her to lunch. She told Martin that Noll made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She asked Martin for help. His response? "I don't see a problem with any of this."

We have a suggestion. The next time you see Mike Pope, ask him about the 2011 City Christmas lunch. It was held after the City Attorney vainly attempted to get Noll under some semblance of control. Ask Pope about Noll's inappropriate comment to Ms. Robbins. What did Noll say to the woman who had already let Martin know about her concerns? "You have a sexy voice." We are told Pope was shocked. But not shocked enough to lift a finger to help Ms. Robbins.

Thanks to Martin and his cronies, things have been dreadful. And they are getting far worse. It is a true race to the bottom.