Monday, August 6, 2012

He Has No Idea

The Martin Chronicles wonders if Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin has "clue one" about how much damage Cordelia Schaber did to his "Reign of Error" when she took to the podium at the July council meeting? Given Martin's low-voltage brain waves, we seriously doubt it.

First, if Ms. Schaber truly tendered her resignation in November, 2011-as she claims she did-why did the taxpayers cover at least five paychecks to her since November at a rate of $47.50 per hour?

Second, seeing Ms. Schaber at the podium reminded us of Martin's ridiculous claim that he saved the City $15,000 by firing the accountant and hiring his pal Cordie! How do we know the claim is ridiculous? Because by Martin's own frenzied admission, the City has been swimming in a churning sea of red ink ever since he foolishly made that move.

Lastly, Ms. Schaber pulled off a very difficult assignment by appearing to be simultaneously arrogant and clueless during her time at the podium. She reminded people exactly why there is a growing dislike for Martin and his circle of cronies. It didn't take long after Martin took his oath of office for those cronies to swarm in to stick their snouts in the taxpayer-funded trough.

The Martin Chronicles respectfully recommends that Ms. Schaber be given ten minutes to speak at every council meeting.