Monday, August 20, 2012

"The Numbers Don't Make Sense."

The Martin Chronicles has had a CPA with a strong background in municipal accounting scrutinize several months of the City of Villa Hills financial statements. Their initial reaction, "The numbers don't make sense".

Not that we are surprised, but the sorry state of Villa Hills' financial statements serves as yet another example where miscreant Mayor Mike Martin's words ring hollow-and decidedly untrue. In his LIBELOUS April Unahandyman Manifesto, Martin ridiculously claimed that he "saved $15,000 by firing the City's accountant".

What has followed Martin's foolish move? A rising tide of red ink and bollixed financial reports. Under the dreadful Finance Committee chairmanship of departing-not-soon-enough Councilman Mike Pope, the reports have devolved into a twisted bag of nonsensical snakes.  

The Martin Chronicles doesn't blame the City's auditors. They can only review what they are provided. And it would surprise no one if it is discovered that Martin and others were less than forthcoming during the annual audit. That has been their pattern with issue after issue after issue.

So do these nonsensical numbers reveal wrongdoing or just incompetence? Again, no one would be surprised to learn that the twisted reports are a glaring example of both.

More to come on this story.