Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Will He Say He Saved Us Money?

The Martin Chronicles remembers the tumultuous Villa Hills Mayor Steve Clark era. Clark was recruited by the-vile-but-not-quite-so-ancient-at-the-time Councilman Mary Koenig to unseat then-Mayor Denny Stein. Clark ran in to some trouble right out of the starting gate. Nothing nearly as bad as current miscreant Mayor Mike Martin. But trouble nevertheless.

The incident that really got the Clark ball rolling downhill towards the exits was roughly $25,000 that went missing. Clark later maintained that he wrote the $25,000 check never intending that it should be cashed. You don't say? Is that a fact?

Clark explained that he put the check in the City's Clerk's desk. Why? Because he wanted to save that $25,000 for later sidewalk construction. Oh? Is that right? We aren't sure how sticking a check in a desk drawer assures that the money will be saved. But if you say so.

So how did the money go missing? Well, as  Clark's explanation went, that rascally City Clerk accidentally mailed the $25,000 check to a concrete company and, well, uh, er, those varmints cashed the check! Hey, it wasn't Clark's fault that the City Clerk and concrete company fouled up his brilliant plan.

My, my. Funny how history repeats itself. Yes, the vile ancient crocodile Mary Koenig is back in the mix. Yes, current miscreant Mayor Mike Martin is taking more flak than a flight of B17's over WWII Stuttgart. But no, it's not a $25,000 check that a City Clerk accidentally mailed and a concrete company accidentally cashed.

No, its more brazen than that. How is that possible? Well, the misappropriating Martin has cut himself a $23,000 TAXPAYER-FUNDED BONUS CHECK. It gets better. Martin has no intention of cooking up some Rube Goldberg-style explanation for how he ENRICHED HIMSELF WITH $23,000 OF YOUR MONEY.

No way. He says if he provides documentation proving that his $23,000 BONUS CHECK is kosher, he might have to change checking accounts again. Everyone is always picking on the little fella. If you say so. Poor baby.

Hey, Clark cut a $25,000 check. Martin PAID HIMSELF $23,000. You can bet it won't be long before Martin announces that he SAVED THE CITY $2,000.

This would be hilarious. If it wasn't true.