Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Minute Waltz

The Martin Chronicles may as well have been watching a government meeting in Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Zimbabwe or Iran. But we weren’t. We were watching yet another two-bit, tin-pot despot run roughshod over the rights of the public. This time it was in Villa Hills. The two-bit, tin-pot dictator? That would be malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin at the March 20 council fiasco.

Despite having “Public Comment” on his published agenda, the malevolent Martin refused to take any, uh, well, er, oh, how do you say it? “public comment”. What was his incredibly lame excuse? Martin said that public hearings would supposedly be held at some unnamed future date and no discussion of people’s concerns for his SECRET PLAN TO DISBAND THE POLICE DEPARTMENT would be tolerated.

How bad was it? Well, even one-term-councilman-failed-State-Senate-candidate-arrested-for-drunk-driving-while-transporting-a-box-of-marijuana-editorial-writing-about-how-much-he-hates-disadvantaged-children Jim Noll was busy passing out his business cards in the aftermath of the meeting. Why? He was telling attendees that he would represent them in a lawsuit against Martin for abusing their rights. This despite the fact that the unusual Noll supports the mendacious Martin’s SECRET PLAN TO DISBAND THE POLICE DEPARTMENT.

The media was correctly hard on the miscreant Martin for his heavy-handed actions. Television video showed an obviously enraged Martin coming around the council table to shout at an elementary school teacher who wanted nothing more than to know when she would be allowed to speak.

Why was Martin enraged? Because the thin-skinned dictator couldn’t stand the fact that former council people he thought he had ruined dared to attend his meeting. Martin should be mindful of the fact that losing an election does not equate to a loss of freedom of assembly. Even in the embarrassed burg of Villa Hills.
At least not for now. You see Martin signed an Executive Order-most likely assisted by his personal (now City) Attorney Toad McMurtry-that gives the little fella sweeping powers to have almost anyone arrested for almost any reason. Civil rights, schmivel rights. Rest assured, Toad McMurtry and Martin are just getting started with their overt abuse of power. Can Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch be far behind?
So what happens next? Martin and the vile ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig said they weren’t sure at the last monthly SECRET MEETING. What did they say? Well, maybe public comment will no longer be allowed. Or, maybe residents will be given one minute to speak. Oh, brothers and sisters, you had better talk fast. Or risk being arrested.

It is interesting that a fellow who didn’t know it wasn’t okay to forge a deceased person’s name on a check and cash it or illegally burn City documents or illegally run a handyman business without the proper licenses or cut himself a TAXPAYER-FUNDED $23,000-plus BONUS CHECK is suddenly twisting the law to protect his ham-handed, abusive behavior.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: In a related story that we are looking in to, several residents are wondering aloud if Martin's TAXPAYER-FUNDED $23,000-plus BONUS CHECK should be considered taxable income. Why? The residents paid Martin's personal attorney bills. Sources say that some of the residents are planning to approach the IRS.]