Saturday, August 23, 2014


The Martin Chronicles is perfectly willing to admit when we are in error. We work hard to keep up with all of the fast-breaking corruption and incompetence of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. It's a daunting challenge. But we'll just keep working harder.

So what did we get wrong? We'll, we reported that the misdirecting Martin hid $60,000 of taxpayer-funded legal expenses in "Office Expenses". We were incorrect. Martin didn't hide $60,000 of taxpayer-funded in legal expenses in "Office Expenses". No, Martin actually hid $71,184.36 of taxpayer-funded legal expenses in "Office Expenses".

Secondly, we have been reporting that Martin and his cronies are pouring $12,000 in to a little-used park. Once again, we were incorrect. Martin is already 25% over budget, wasting more than $15,000 on the little-used park. No wonder no road work is getting done.

We stand corrected.