Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Be Careful When You Throw Hand Grenades

The Martin Chronicles recently reported Holly Menninger-Isenhour's over-the-top allegations against rival mayoral candidate Ernie Brown. For those of you who missed it, Menninger-Isenhour recently trolled Franzen Field charging that Ernie Brown is a "drug addict".

Menninger-Isenhour also glibly chirped that she has yard signs proclaiming that "I don't do drugs-but Ernie Brown does". You don't say? Is that a fact? Well, when you toss a hand grenade like Menninger-Isenhour did, you had better be sure that someone doesn't have the time to toss it right back in your lap.

We have learned that two unlicensed contractors plan to come forward to take issue with Menninger-Isenhour's yard sign assertion. These contractors worked on Menninger-Isenhour's house not all that long ago and have quite a story to tell about what the now-mayoral wannabe provided them in exchange for their handyman services.

You know, the next 75 days would be a lot easier to take if all of the rival candidates simply focused on debating the real issues in Villa Hills. But politics in Villa Hills doesn't seem to work that way. As malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin once notoriously said, "It's not in my best interest to debate the issues".

Evidently, the same is true for Menninger-Isenhour.