The Martin Chronicles has just learned that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's unlicensed handyman business is doing work at a home on Riggs Avenue in Erlanger. Seemingly no big deal. Except that the home belongs to Villa Hills City Administrator/City Clerk Craigory Bohman.
Why do that? The people who contacted us are convinced that Bohman gave the misdirecting Martin the handyman job as some form of illicit payback for the taxpayer-funded 50% pay increase Martin gave Bohman a few months ago.
We aren't prepared to say that. But we are prepared to say that the arrangement is incredibly stupid. We know Martin is dumber than a brick. But we thought Craigory had at least a little more sense.
Why open yourself to even more suspicion? People already realize that Martin is devoid of integrity and incapable of telling the truth. But Bohman is looking everywhere for a new job.
Why risk getting tainted by Martin?