In all honesty, it won't be enough to finally rid the City of the terrible, incompetent and corrupt Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. Sure, that will be the most important first step. But a great deal more change is absolutely needed to fix the terrible problems plaguing Villa Hills City Government.
Villa Hills will need a new, courageous mayor that has the intestinal fortitude to use his or her new shovel to clean out the smelly stable that the once-proud City Government has become. A whole lot of substantive changes will have to be made for the problem to be fixed.
First, let's look at Martin's collection of calumnious cronies:
- A new mayor will have to tell Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry that his unnecessarily-costly services are no longer needed.
- A new mayor will have to tell Martin's lackey "Craigory" that his supplicant services are no longer needed.
- A new mayor will have tell long-serving dead weight like the former interim City Clerk who hasn't hit a lick in many years that her services are no longer needed.
- A new mayor will have to tell Martin's crony-hire, bucket-headed bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber that he or she finally accepts her long-standing resignation and hire an accountant or accounting firm that will accurately and honestly report the true financial state of the City.
- None of this will be easy. But all of it has to be done.
- The voters will have to send the mean-spirited Councilhag Mary Koenig packing. That vile, ancient crocodile has been a major player in all of the embarrassment Villa Hills has suffered through the past two years. Koenig doesn't think the residents have the right to know just how much the mismanaging Martin has been WASTING on lawyers and lawsuits? Really? Is that a fact?
- The voters will have to give the dim-witted Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour a lot more time to focus on her real estate endeavors. HBM-I has allowed herself to be used as a pathetic pawn of "bad guys" like Martin and Koenig and her mouth has triggered multiple lawsuits. Simply put, HBM-I doesn't have the "tools" to properly serve the public.
- The voters will have to send Brian Wischer on his not-so-merry way. In case you didn't know, Wischer recruited his poor sister to write a Municipal Order-that the miscreant Martin joyously signed-that led to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF COSTLY-TO-THE TAXPAYER-LAWSUITS.
- The voters also have to decide whether Councilmembers who sat back for the sake of some wrong-headed view of "propriety"-or didn't even bother to show up-while the mendacious Martin ran roughshod over their City, are worthy of re-election.
- The very top of this list is inhabited by General Zod and rest of the ass hats at the Villa Hills Civic Club. The civic club may or may not be a good enough place to drink several gallons of cheap beer, gossip about the neighbors affairs, play euchre, place a bet with one of the local bookies, roast a weenie or go fishing. But it sure isn't a font of knowledge when it comes to local elections. Their drone-like support for the corrupt and incompetent Martin is all the proof required.
- Local tea-partiers, liberty-leaguers and axe-the-taxers are also on the "clueless" list. These blinders-on buffoons actually believed Martin's LIE that he was going to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX in 2010. In case you haven't noticed, you-and every Villa Hills taxpayer-are still being forced to pay that terrible tax. Not only that, but Martin has pushed through a FIFTY PERCENT INCREASE IN THE SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX AS WELL. Oh-just for good measure-Martin has SQUANDERED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON UNNECESSARY LAWYERS AND LEGAL ACTIONS.
- Then there are the "Jeeves, be a good man and pull the limo around" jackasses who are so detached that they believe anyone can run a City like Villa Hills. MARTIN'S FOUR YEARS OF FAILURE proves that these "raised-pinky" folks should be ignored.
- Lest we forget, how about the pathetic pinheads who have said "This mayor (Martin) does great things for people"? Really? Do you want one example of why that's a complete joke? Just ask long-serving former Police Chief Danny Goodenough. If only the little fella who LIED to either the Villa Hills Police of Special Counsel had been honest, Martin's lawlessness wouldn't have been unleashed.
But what will happen in just 149 days?