Thursday, June 12, 2014

Martin's Sand Box

The Martin Chronicles has decided that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin simply can't play well with others. A review of history clearly demonstrates that Martin constantly fought nonsensical battles over meaningless things with everyone during his dismal tenure as a city councilmember. As mismanaging mayor, the tiny tyrant has failed to find any way to work with two completely different city councils over the last nearly four dreadful years.

So, now Martin wants his "golden moment" group to simply give up any oversight authority they are supposed to have over the City's annual budget. The diminutive dictator evidently sees no reason why anyone else should have anything to say about how he wants to spend MORE THAN THREE MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS.

Martin reminds us of the selfish little brat who won't share any of his plastic toys while playing in the sand box. We can just see Martin looking at the MORE THAN THREE MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS and whining, "Mine! Mine! Mine!"

If the social networks are any indication, the decided majority of Villa Hills residents clearly don't agree with Martin. They also seem to understand that Martin LIED when he FALSELY claimed that forty-eight out of fifty-two previous City budgets were simply ceded to the mayors to spend in any way they wanted.

But being caught in MASSIVE LIES has never deterred Martin. In an odd way, the little liar almost seems to enjoy it!

The voters can tell the mendacious Martin to pick up his toys and go home in just 142 days.