Sunday, June 8, 2014

WEEKENDER II: What Do The Residents Of Amsterdam Village Have To Do?

The Martin Chronicles reporters have been travelling through malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's embattled Villa Hills today following up with its sources on several story leads. Reporters who had been working in Martin's "backyard"-known as Amsterdam Village-returned to tell us that the diminutive dictator still hasn't seen fit to repair the damaged neighborhood sign that was allegedly hit by a car many, many, many months ago.

How best to describe the worse than shoddy-at-best appearance of the now-crumbling sign? As one local who lives nearby put it, "It's a damned embarrassment. But then what else would you expect from a EXPLETIVEing clown like that EXPLETIVEing Martin?"

Martin's lack of action is unusual-at least in this case. Two of the tiny tyrant's closest political supporters live literally within spitting distance of the badly-damaged sign. One of Martin's most ardent civic club mouthpieces, the vile Tony Funklin, lives right there. So does Martin's buddy-and lawsuit co-defendant and husband of crony-hire, bucket-headed taxpayer-funded $47.50 per hour "bookkeeper" Cordelia Schaber-Dale Schaber. Martin has a proven track record of MISUSING TAXPAYER MONEY TO REWARD HIS CRONIES. So, why the delay?

That is just one of the reasons why Martin's reluctance to fix the badly-damaged sign is unusual. If you haven't done the research-don't fret-because we have. Amsterdam Village is "ground zero" for Martin supporters. These hard-working-but woefully inattentive-residents were the tiny difference in Martin's razor-thin 2010 mayoral victory. And, these same residents were the definitive key to giving Martin his once-"golden moment" council in 2012.
So, why the embarrassing delay?

Inside sources are telling us that Martin's odd reluctance to fix the sign is simply a matter of brazen political calculus-even though we seriously doubt Martin knows anything about calculus. But what these sources tell us make sense-at least in Martinville.

You see, even the mallet-headed Martin realizes that people are coming to understand that he is anything but a budget hawk. A growing number of people are grasping the fact that Martin has WASTED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS ON LAWYERS AND LEGAL ACTIONS SIMPLY TO COMPLETE HIS MINDLESS VENDETTA RESULTING FROM HIS 2007 FORGERY ARREST.

But that's just the tip of Martin's idiotic iceberg. Not only has Martin walked away from his "solemn promise" to repeal the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX, he rammed through a FIFTY PER CENT INCREASE IN THE SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX.

And what have the residents of Villa Hills received from Martin's PROFLIGATE SPENDING AND TAX HIKES? Again simply put, not one damned thing.

The insiders tell us that Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Craig V. McMurtry and Martin flunky "Craigory" have been advising Martin to avoid "WASTING" ANY MORE TAXPAYER MONEY wherever possible. Why? Because these two venal villains are very desperate to hold on to their TAXPAYER-FUNDED CRONY JOBS past January 1, 2015.
Doesn't that smell to "high heaven".

It's so very ugly that we have learned that the malevolent Martin-on the advice of McMurtry and "Craigory"-are intentionally delaying the rightful $120,000 AGREED-TO, TAXPAYER-FUNDED PAYOUT to railroaded former Police Chief Dan Goodenough. You remember Goodenough? That's the poor guy who was the subject of one of Martin's BIGGEST LIES when the miniature mullah FALSELY told the media that the Chief was "just taking a few days off" just a few months ago.  

Let's get down to the old brass tacks. Martin is desperately trying to push the sign repair, lawsuit settlement, bills from McMurtry and all of his other selfish wasteful spending in to next year's budget. Why? Because the LITTLE LIAR hopes the voters won't see the FULL EXTENT OF MARTIN'S COMPLETE MISMANAGEMENT OF THE TAXPAYER'S MONEY.

The voters have a clear decision on November 4.