Tuesday, June 17, 2014

News and Noxious Notes

The Martin Chronicles investigative reporters are working all of their sources to uncover the latest fiascoes in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's troubled Villa Hills City Government. It would be a colossal understatement to say that things in Martinville are going from very bad to far, far worse.

Where Do All The Records Go?

First, we have uncovered yet another example of either massive incompetence, or more malfeasance. If you don't read the dinosaur media's feeble attempt at reporting news online-aka cincinnati.com-you might not know that Martin offered up a Municipal Order declaring railroaded former Chief Dan Goodenough's badge, rank insignias and firearm "surplus" so that the long-serving Chief could have them as mementos of his stellar service to Villa Hills. The Municipal Order was approved 5-1, with only that trash-tank Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour inexplicably voting "no".

Anyway, we have learned that the Municipal Order has already "disappeared". Oh, really? You don't say? Is that a fact? So, what the heck happened to it?

Did the pyro-Maniacal Martin already burn the Municipal Order? Did the Mincing Martin already shred the Municipal Order? Or, is this just another example of the massively incompetent administrative staff shoddily-at-best cobbled together by the equally massively incompetent Martin? How ever you slice it, bad, bad, very bad.

Is Bailing A Bellwether?
Our investigative reporters have also learned that City Clerk/City Administrator Craig T. Bohman-aka "Craigory"-is desperately trying to find a new job someplace else. Several sources in the City of Ludlow have confirmed that Bohman has frantically made it known that he wants to be that river City's next City Administrator.
How can that possibly be? Didn't the mismanaging Martin recently reward "Craigory" with a TAXPAYER-FUNDED FIFTY PERCENT PAYRAISE for his "efforts" assisting the diminutive dictator in dishonorably ousting Goodenough and Schutzman?
Could it be that "Craigory" believes that the mallet-headed Martin is about to become "electoral toast"? Why else would one of the most loyal members of the tiny tyrant's GOON SQUAD be seeking employment in another City?
We'll know if Bohman is right in just 138 days.