Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Who Will Mike Duncan's Replacement Be?

Well-placed sources tell The Martin Chronicles  that long-serving City Attorney Mike Duncan is on the verge of being jettisoned. We are told that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin can then scapegoat Duncan for the astronomical legal bills that have been rung up over Shorty's Reign of Error. At least for awhile.

So who would be brought in to replace Duncan? Observers speculate that Martin has been auditioning for a new attorney for some time. Sources have given us their potential candidates.

Jim Noll - Yes, we know that he is probably a long shot. It would not be the least bit unfair to describe Noll's one term on council as an embarrassment. Besides, Martin has already gotten what he needed from Noll. What? Noll's agreement to ignore any and all evidence of misconduct and neglect of duty presented in Shorty's removal hearing. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Nick Birkenhauer - Nick has his foot in the door thanks to Noll. He has re-written the City personnel policy in order to make it far easier for Shorty to screw everyone after January 1.

Bobby Winters - Bobby is the hack Martin hired to railroad his assistant City Clerk. He is just the kind of thug Martin would like to have around.

- And the odds on favorite -

Toad McMurtry - This high-priced whore would be a natural. Oily. Smarmy. Insincere. In other words, perfect for Martin. Boy, wouldn't that be a hoot. Besides, at least then Toad would get paid.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Still no word whether incompetent Interim City Clerk Sue Bree has secured Open Records and Records Retention training for the Administrative staff.]