Friday, November 30, 2012

Jimmy, We Hardly Knew Ye

Almost all of The Martin Chronicles staff has seen "Jim Nolls" in politics more times than they want to remember. These "Jim Nolls" are typically chock full of ego and nearly devoid of relevant talent. "Face time" is their raison d'etre. They are living proof that "The Peter Principle" is a very real phenomena [we're going to make you look that one up for yourself-if you have to].

Invariably, "Jim Nolls" never realize how far in over their heads they are. After a short period of time making a mess in one office, they announce that they feel the need for greater challenge and run for higher office. Then they crash and burn. Or become President of the United States.

Villa Hills is about to say goodbye to one of those "Jim Nolls". And, as fate would have it, this political hack actually happens to be named Jim Noll. Quite a coincidence, huh?

In all fairness, the voters of Villa Hills-who are developing quite a reputation for extremely poor judgment-are very much to blame for the creation of their incarnation of "Jim Noll". How so? Well, believe it or not, they thought they were voting for someone else. No. Seriously. We aren't kidding you. Yes. We know that's asinine. But remember. It's Villa Hills.

The "well-informed" voters of Villa Hills went so far as to make their "Jim Noll" the top vote-getter in the 2010 city council race. Talk about a "Jim Noll" who was doomed from the jump. This poor guy actually believed the voters knew who the (EXPLETIVE) he really was and considered the election results as some kind of meathead mandate.

Jim Noll's two years on Villa Hills City Council were-how best to say it-checkered with gaffes and even a little scandal The gaffes?. He wondered aloud, "What's a caucus?". It's not that he didn't know what a caucus is. It's that he didn't have enough sense to ask one of his colleagues about the meaning of caucus off-microphone.

Then there was the time Noll brought in an "expert" to talk about the many benefits of a time clock for City employees. Noll's "expert" spoke eloquently about the enhanced efficiencies that a time clock brought to the City of Ft. Mitchell. This despite the fact that Ft. Mitchell didn't really have a time clock. Details, schmetails.

Villa Hills' "Jim Noll" once voted for another councilperson's proposed ordinance. No big deal. But here's where it gets weird. Before the ink was dry on that approved ordinance, Noll proposed another ordinance that would effectively nullify the impact of his colleague's freshly-minted ordinance. Now that is (EXPLETIVE) odd. Even for a "Jim Noll".

Scandal? Well, witnesses at that "dunce-den" of a civic club claim that Jim Noll regularly got loaded before council meetings. Better yet, these same witnesses say that Noll would sometimes return to the club for a refill during the meetings. Hey, we have watched malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin mismanage a council meeting. We understand the need for a good, stiff drink. In fact, we understand the need for several good, stiff drinks.

More scandal? Noll was allegedly inordinately-and perhaps inappropriately-focused on one member of the administrative staff. This employee was so distressed that she retained legal counsel. What will come of this? Who knows? It matters not.

Most scandalous? The fact that Jim Noll publicly announced that he would never vote to remove the malfeasant Mayor Martin from office-no matter the evidence. Noll denies that Janet Martin's assistance to his failed State Senate bid was a factor. Let's say it wasn't a factor in Noll's vote. It did still reveal Noll's abject lack of common sense.

Speaking of the rigged removal hearing, we will never forget that last night. Noll was missing in action for more than forty minutes. Finally, he was spotted dressed only in his underwear in the parking lot of River Ridge Elementary. Noll soon joined the hearing and dutifully partnered with the detestable-for-many-many-reasons Mike Pope in voting their pre-arranged "no's" to Martin's removal.  Yee-hah!

Noll's new role is that of failed State Senate candidate. Noll will also soon be a former, one-term Villa Hills councilman. We thank God for those facts.