Thursday, November 29, 2012

Who Needs Police Protection?

The Martin Chronicles has been pleasantly surprised by the reaction to our revelation yesterday that malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is joining forces with the detestable, bilious blowhard County Boss Steve Arlinghaus to disband the Villa Hills Police department and contract with the Kenton Kounty Kops for police "protection". Many people are expressing genuine concern. What the heck? There must still be at least a few sane people left in the Baghdad of the Bluegrass after all. Maybe. Possibly. At least we hope so.

What were we expecting? Well, given the results of the last election we believed Villa Hillians would universally hail Shorty's plan. Why? Because the voters punished the four council people who actually believed that people-including Mayor Mighty Mouse-should, well, uh, ummm, er, obey the law. Imagine that?!?! So why would these same voters give a (EXPLETIVE) about police protection? But some seem to.

Regrettably, these voters' concerns come way too late. How so? Well, one thing we have learned over these past two years is that there is almost nothing anyone can do to stop a mayor of a Kentucky City of the Fourth Class from doing anything they want to do. Including breaking the law time and time and time and time again.

Residents were warned that Martin had a vendetta against the Villa Hills Police Department more than two years ago. They ignored those warnings. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

Don't sit back thinking that this new council can stop it from happening. Let's go so far as to say that there are four votes on the new council opposed to the disbanding of the police department. The mendacious Martin could still manufacture the "need" to contract with Kenton County anyway.

How could he do that? Easy. Shorty is required by State statute to provide police protection. Suppose a couple of officers suddenly leave-or are fired. Martin could then say that he has no choice but to contract with another agency. Safety is his first priority after all. Or so he has said. Yes, we know. That is all total BULL(EXPLETIVE). Just like almost everything else The Norwood Sewer Rat says.

The Archduke Arlinghaus said he will provide Villa Hills with better, cheaper police protection. Our publisher sends you this warning. When a pompous, self-important politician like Arlinghaus promises to save you money, bury your wallet in your back yard. And bury it deep.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We are now fairly sure that the insubordinate Interim City Clerk Sue Bree has failed to schedule Open Records and Records Retention training for the City's Administrative staff.]