Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Leftovers

The Martin Chronicles staff is just now beginning to recover from its Tryptophan-induced funk. To a person, we had a tremendous Thanksgiving. But we are now back to work.

The way we see it, malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills has settled in to its own version of a funk as well. The last election resulted in a whole new-or at least reanimated-cast of characters entering the scene beginning in January. It is going to be a great deal of fun watching it all unfold. Our prediction? The next two years are going to provide solid proof that the old expression, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions" is exactly right.

Yes, we know. The new council-well, most of them at least-come in to office with the very best of intentions. A new day is dawning. A new beginning. Turning the page. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. A fresh start. The healing has begun. Forward. Move forward. Moving forward. Moving far forward. Okay. Enough of the mindless drivel.

You see, there is one major problem with all of the preceding pointless pap. Do you really have to ask what it is? The voters removed everything. Oh, except for the one thing that needs to go. That would be the aforementioned malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin.

We can only guess that the tri-cornered hat-wearing, home-schooling Liberty Leaguers, the inexplicably over-confident members of the St. Joe's Heavy Drinking Men's Society and the pinheads from the Civic Club are convinced that Shorty will no longer consider himself "the City's CEO". They must believe that The Little Man From Norwood will no longer see everything as solely his decision. They have to think that The Norwood Sewer Rat will morph from the mud-slinging autocrat into a participative manager who has the self-confidence to consider the opinion's of others. In other words, these enclaves are full of (EXPLETIVE).

The good news? We are already hot on the trail of some incredible stories. We will report them. You will decide. One local quipster aptly describes Villa Hills' current predicament.

"Even after the election and Thanksgiving, Villa Hills still finds itself with TWO MORE YEARS OF A LEFT-OVER TURKEY."

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We cannot confirm whether Interim City Clerk Sue Bree has yet to successfully locate any Open Records or Records Retention training for the City administrative employees. Ms. Bree should consider contacting 1-800-328-7448.]