Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kenton County Uber Alles

The Martin Chronicles has talked to several well-placed sources who tell us that it may not be very long before the residents of Villa Hills feel the consequences of the last election. Actually, the last two elections. Our publisher believes that the majority of voters have clearly proven that this impact is well-deserved. But then our publisher is quite a curmudgeon.

If you watched Monday's Crescent Springs City Council meeting you know what we are writing about. The detestable, bilious blowhard County Boss Steve Arlinghaus came to Crescent Springs in his continued quest for Kenton County Anschluss. By all accounts, Arlinghaus had little difficulty convincing Mayors Collett and Martin to join the march. No surprises there.

For those of you who think that Arlinghaus is simply continuing his power grab for Emergency Dispatch Services herrschaft, you had better wake up and smell the sauerkraut. Arlinghaus is also pushing hard to provide police protection for Villa Hills and Crescent Springs.

Such a move would be perfect for Jim Collett. Most Crescent Springers now at least privately admit that Collett's "Erlanger experiment" has been a miserable failure. Contracting for police protection with Arlinghaus' County cops has to be better, right? Erlanger is only next door. Crescent Springs is in Kenton County. It makes perfect sense. At least to Jim Collett.

What about the malevolent Martin? What better way to complete his vendetta against the law enforcement agency that arrested him for forgery? Shorty had no luck against them in court. Cutting the number of police officers by 25% wasn't enough to run off the rest of the dedicated professionals. So what's left? Well, he can simply blow up the whole department and join Arlinghaus' drive for lebensraum.

There is more evidence that Villa Hills' police protection may soon be provided by Boss Arlinghaus. What is it? We have learned that Shorty has asked the re-animated Mary Koenig to head his "Safety" Committee. Koenig was very vocal about her plans to "get rid of" the Villa Hills PD during the last election. She is now in a position to help make that happen. The Norwood Sewer Rat knows he has Koenig's vote to disband the PD. He only needs two more to get it done. That will be a cakewalk.

Maybe the brain dead hillbilly who posted his solution to Villa Hills' burgeoning crime problem on Facebook a few months ago was on to something after all. What was that hayseed's solution? Have every Villa Hillian "gun up". But don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.


A couple of our reporters were having lunch when they couldn't help but hear a discussion of our breaking news. They overheard the people at the next table discussing the bilious blowhard County Boss Steve Arlinghaus.

Jack: I heard that the only people who don't like Steve Arlinghaus are the one who actually know him.
Jill: That's not true, Jack. I don't know Arlinghaus at all and I hate his guts.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We are starting to suspect that inept Interim City Clerk Sue Bree isn't actually looking for Open Records and Records Retention training for the City's administrative staff.]