Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stay Tuned For Part Two Tomorrow

The Martin Chronicles is spending some time in the aftermath of the recent local election to take a look ahead. We have already reported to you about the Civil Service Commission and the predictions that a competent City Clerk will finally be hired. Our reporters are digging into several "aftermath stories", including:
  1. What are Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's post-election plans for the police department?
  2. Just how far will the consolidation push go?
  3. What will happen to the lawsuits Martin has against the six outgoing councilmembers and the taxpayers?
  4. How is the power struggle for a "post-Martin" Villa Hills shaping up?
  5. Is there a surprise resignation and appointment in the offing?
  6. Who will the next City Attorney be?
  7. Is a truly stupid Facebook post about to trigger yet another lawsuit?
  8. Just who is Martin digging up dirt on, and why?
Stay tuned for these and more stories about the next two years of Martin's Reign of Error.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: It is truly amazing how cooperative our sources at the civic club have been since the election.]