Friday, November 2, 2012

NEWSFLASH: Counting Facebook Posts?

The Martin Chronicles recently reported on Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's car wash craziness. It now appears that bizarre reaction was just the first in a series of signs that the already loopy Martin has completely slipped the surly bonds of sanity.

What the (EXPLETIVE) is it now? Sources have reported that Martin is now using YOUR money to over-pay interim City Clerk Sue Bree to track anti-Shorty Facebook posts on the Voice of Villa Hills very-rarely-visited page. We certainly hope Martin doesn't have to explain this task 57 times before it sinks in.  

Yes, you just read that right. Martin is paying a City employee-who has already received two taxpayer-funded pay increases this year-to track negative comments written about him on the Voice of Villa Hills Facebook page. No mental problems there.

We wonder if Martin's high-priced whore Toad McMurtry suggested Martin waste YOUR money on this latest nitwittery?

[EDITOR'S NOTE: The Martin Chronicles reporters are fanning out through the embattled and embarrassed city to cover the closing hours of the city council election. We'll leave the Facebook post-counting to Sue Bree.]