Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Morning After

The Martin Chronicles phone lines have been burning and email boxes overflowing with readers requests for our views on the Villa Hills election results. We reserve the right to amend the views we express today at a later date.

First, we extend congratulations to the winners of the 2012 Villa Hills City Council race. We are very cautiously optimistic that Jim Cahill, Amy Balson, Rod Baehner, Holly Isenhour, Brian Wischer and yes, even the retread Mary Koenig will mostly do what they promised and come in to office in January taking a business-like approach to the task assigned to them by the voters. It will be no easy job.

We also want to thank the four incumbents who lost their re-election bids last night for their years of dedicated service to the residents of Villa Hills. All four of these gentlemen deserved a far better fate than what took place last night. These four men have now been added to the long list of casualties of malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's mayhem and mismanagement.

We believe the voters in Villa Hills actually expressed dissatisfaction with virtually everything "status quo" last night, including the mendacious Martin. Let us explain why we believe that, again reserving the right to amend our views at a later date.

While the voters did not have the chance to vote out Martin yesterday, they did deny him the one thing he obviously wanted the most, a "Councilman" Dale Schaber. This despite the fact that Martin spent many a day traveling door-to-door promoting his pal. This despite the fact that the boys from the Civic Club's Dead Pecker's Row distributed Schaber signs all over the City. This despite the show put on for Dale at the Civic Club "candidate forum".

We think the voters consciously decided not to give Martin what he wanted most. We think that was the voter's (only) way to repudiate Martin. At least until 2014. That may or may not bode well for the City's future. Martin has two years to deceive the public all over again, after all. We'll have to wait. And we'll have to watch.

Then there is State Senate Candidate Jim Noll. He lost his race resoundingly. He was even soundly defeated in Villa Hills. You remember. The same Villa Hills that made Noll the top city council vote-getter just two years ago. We believe Noll is yet another Martin "casualty". But in this rare case, The Martin Chronicles is happy about it.

Our biggest concern? That Martin's reckless, retaliatory behavior will continue. In fact, we believe that Martin will redouble his efforts to exact revenge against City employees and other perceived "enemies". The new council will soon learn that there is little they can do to stop Martin. But we hope at least they express their independent views.

Why don't we think Martin will change? First, because we don't think he's capable of changing. Second, because Martin election night "posse" included the "gentleman" who recently described the Chief of Police as a "CROOKED ASS" on Facebook.

That does not bode well.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: To the great relief of our fans and deep regret of our enemies, The Martin Chronicles will continue to be "business as usual". Hey, a skunk is still a skunk is still a skunk. And as long as there is that skunk Mike Martin hanging around, there will be a Martin Chronicles. What did Mark Twain say? "The reports of our demise are greatly exaggerated!" STAY TUNED!!]