Thursday, November 15, 2012

Looking Ahead: Part Three

The Martin Chronicles has been truly amazed at how forthcoming the snitches inside the Civic Club have been since the election. We are also at least mildly surprised by how many people are actually happy that "The Dead Pecker Row's Choice" for a seat on council was unsuccessful in his LIBELOUS run-at least for the moment. More about that in a future post.

Some of the information the snitches send is expected. Some of the scoops they reveal are shocking-even for a dishonest dipstick like Martin-and in need of further investigation. Either way, we appreciate the "underground" support that is leaking out of what is the equivalent of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's "Kremlin". Hey, it's where almost all of the really crazy plans are hatched!

So what is the latest? Our sources tell us that The Little Man From Norwood is busily digging up dirt on some of his new "friends". You know. "The six freshmen". One observer humorously described Martin's scandal-mongering as "dumpster-diving". What a visual that is.

So what is the little fella looking for? Here are four things that everyone reported:

  • Shorty seems very interested in the role one incoming council person played when he was assisting the Civic Club with their financials a few years ago. You do remember what happened with the Civic Club financials a few years ago, right? Evidently so does "The Superior".
  • Martin also wants to know more about why another incoming council person seems to suddenly develop uncontrollable urges to gorge on Twinkies, Ho-Hos, ice cream and potato chips. Could it be that Shorty wants to have snacks available at the council meetings? Is he looking for a business partner? Or is it something else?
  • The unlicensed electrician has also been trying to get someone to explain to him how it's possible that one of the new council people couldn't even seem to remember what it was they did to earn a living when asked about that at the Civic Club candidate fiasco. Was it a simple case of nerves or too many slain brain cells?
  • We also hear that The Little CEO wants to learn everything he can about a reanimated dinosaur who will be returning to council in January. He wonders aloud why the reanimated dinosaur's plans to "fundamentally transform" Villa Hills went haywire a dozen years ago. We are told Shorty wants to make sure he gets it right.

Look, we don't care what dirt Martin uncovers. It doesn't change anything he's done. He's done the same nasty, dirtbag stuff now for years. It provides him with no absolution. But it sure could make for an interesting next two years.

Oh, there is a whole lot more. But we're going to save it for now.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Finally, a council Martin can work over, er, uh, we mean work with.]