Friday, January 13, 2012

The Wheels Are Officially OFF

As we reported in our last post, the Villa Hills’ quarterly caucus meeting was held last night. Caucus meetings are designed to be a free-flowing, open-ended discussion of the City’s major issues in order to develop strategic plans for moving forward. Early accounts indicate that something quite different happened in the council chambers last night.
The Martin Chronicles’ phone lines and e-mail were on fire late last night. Our reporters have been working into the wee hours of this morning tracking down the details. Future posts will bring you more details as we confirm them.
Several sources confirm that the Villa Hills’ caucus meeting was nearly four hours of blame-laying, finger-pointing and deceptive misdirection that ended in a councilman asking for the resignation of Mayor Martin. We expect the terms “KSP” and “persons of interest” to be heard around town quite a bit very shortly. Our entire staff will be making follow-up contacts in the hours and days ahead to nail down all the details of what took place.
In just 378 dismal days in office, Mayor Martin has turned Villa Hills from what was voted the Number One City in Northern Kentucky in 2010 (doesn’t that now seem like a long time ago) into a complete, scandal-filled, laughing stock.

Our readers can rest assured that The Martin Chronicles staff will stay on the job as we continue to nail down all the details of what took place at this incredible meeting. Please keep a close eye in the days ahead because this is turning into an amazing story.