Saturday, January 28, 2012

Human Shield II: The Overtime Fiasco

The Martin Chronicles has already reported Mayor Martin’s emetic efforts to blame the hapless interim city clerk for his January 5 destruction of City records. What will the “CEO” do next to absolve himself from his abject failure.
We have also already reported the shocking news that Martin’s bungling mismanagement and meddling has led to an explosion in Villa Hills Police Department overtime that would make J. Robert Oppenheimer proud. The taxpayer tab for Martin’s negligence and nitwittery? Well in excess of $100,000!!
Acting as if his vocational school certificate and low-level supervisory experience at the now-defunct cookie factory made him a law enforcement expert, Martin exercised his dictatorial leadership over the police department. Martin announced before God, council and the cameras that the “first thing” he looked at was the police department.
Martin scheduled the police shifts. Martin scolded the officers if they set the thermostat too high or too low. Martin suggested the police officers purchase their own uniforms and equipment. Martin has delayed the replacement of the department’s embarrassing fleet of “rust buckets”.
Martin’s most controversial move regarding the police? Martin refused-and continues to refuses-to fill the opening for the eighth police officer. The Police Chief stated and re-stated the logical case for the eighth officer at several council meetings. In his Third World Dictator management style, Martin ended every discussion with his patented, “I’m the CEO. It’s MY decision. Deal with it. We’re moving on!”
Here’s the key. Martin would shrug his shoulders and say, “I’d rather pay a little overtime.” We are guessing the Tea Partiers, Liberty Leaguers, Civic Clubbers and other tri-cornered hat-wearing numbskulls were cheering Martin. The government-hating club has learned that Martin has squandered well in excess of $100,000 of their money in overtime pay. The whiners and wingnuts liked Martin’s move then. But they don’t like it now.
Despite the chest-beating CEO’s perpetual self-aggrandizement, he seems incredibly timid about taking responsibility when anything goes wrong. And brother, have things gone wrong. SO who will Martin lay blame on for his “six-figure squandering”?
The Martin Chronicles is convinced that the mayor will point his stubby finger at the Police Chief. The City only has about a dozen employees. Martin is going to go through people to sacrifice in a big hurry at this rate.