Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions, Martin Style

Most people make New Year resolutions. We at the Martin Chronicles can’t help but wonder if Mayor Martin does too. Our guess is that if he did, they would be something like this:
WHEREAS, January 1, 2012 being a New Year; and
WHEREAS, I, like many others, have made and wish to share my resolutions with everyone.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Mayor Mike Martin will do the following:
1.      Use conventional methods to open things, like safes, and WILL NOT use the City’s backhoe to perform such functions.
2.      Take a refresher course in geometry so that I am able to distinguish the difference between an octagon and a pentagon.
3.      Understand that “OPEN” records means just that. So I will make sure that ALL open records requests are promptly taken care of.
4.       Recognize that is my responsibility to keep the city safe and I will properly staff the police department with 8 officers and stop scheduling their shifts since the Chief is the professional and will do a much better job of it than I have been doing. (After all, he did do a great job before I made a mess of things.)
5.      Accept that, while it seemed like a great idea at the time, my retaliatory run for Mayor to exact revenge on the Police Department is not good for the City. My quest for revenge is so great that I have really done a terrible job as Mayor.
6.      Realize that it’s a sad day when only Councilmen Pope and Noll and the “CEO” of Kenton County, Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus, are the ONLY people who publically support my leadership, and that speaks volumes about just how awful I am at this job.
7.      Be a good “CEO”. I will, “get over myself” and “move on” and immediately resign from office so that the City can flourish once again. This time my wife and I really will move to another city.
Sadly, most resolutions are not carried out. The Martin Chronicles is not expecting any of the above to really happen. Not quite yet, anyway.