Monday, January 2, 2012

A Hearty Welcome To 2012!

The Martin Chronicles wishes everyone, yes we mean absolutely everyone, a happy New Year. We hope that the New Year brings everyone to the place where they really should be. Saying that, we firmly believe some of the people we on whom we have been reporting should and will find new places to be in 2012.
First, what did we see in the bygone year of 2011?
·         We witnessed an Election Day that delivered an absolute knockout blow to Mayor Martin’s huge property tax proposal designed to fund street repair. We believe this was due in large part to his and Councilman Noll’s disgustingly deceptive campaign to convince people that the vote was simply designed to repeal the infamous $40 “sticker tax”. More than 70% of the voters saw through that lie.
·         We saw Councilman Greg Kilburn join Councilmen Pope, Noll and Mayor Martin in a vote to turn over the collection of the dreaded $40 “sticker tax” over to the County Court House. So, despite the ordinance requiring the owners of all vehicles to pay the fee, everyone with a company vehicle or “free-roaders” with out-of-state plates have been handed a free pass by Kilburn and the others. Kilburn joined Martin in incorrectly saying that change only represented “twenty vehicles”. The reality is quite different. Their vote kissed nearly $7,000 in street repair funds “goodbye”.
·         Kilburn also led the charge to file suit against anyone declining to pay the fee. Is The Martin Chronicles the only one thinking this is “selective enforcement”, given the fact that Kilburn and three others voted to give the free pass to “free-roaders” despite what the ordinance states?
·         Council hired Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro to investigate the many questionable moves made by Mayor Martin. The Martin Chronicles will have much to report on regarding this investigation in the months ahead.
And what do we already see in 2012?
·         City Council stands for re-election on Tuesday, November 6. That is a mere 309 days away! The Martin Chronicles will be giving you a blow-by-blow account of what is sure to be a barn-burner election.
·         Rumors are already swirling about the 2012 council field. Several sources say as many as SEVENTEEN residents have announced their intention to run for one of the six open council seats. If the candidates number in that historic range it will provide The Martin Chronicles with fodder for endless posts. Who wants to push the “Martin Agenda” forward? Who wants to restore some semblance of sanity and good government? We will bring you all the fast-breaking news.
·         Martin begins the second year of his administration. With all the respect we can muster, the first year was a devoid-of-positive-accomplishment disaster (and we think that was being gracious). Has he learned anything as he heads into year two? The entire staff of The Martin Chronicles has doubts about that.
·         Despite the fact that Mayor Martin continues to wreak new mischief daily, Special Counsel Phil Talaiferro will surely bring forth a report on his investigation in the next few months. We will most likely see a report that contains solid evidence of corrupt business and government practices. Will there be an impeachment vote? Will criminal charges be filed? The Martin Chronicles will be there to report on all of it.
·         The Martin Chronicles has already “caught wind” of new developments in the lawsuit against Mayor Martin and his friend Dale Schaber. It appears that Councilman Mike Pope and the endlessly interim city clerk may have jumped into the fray. We will bring you all the details in the days and weeks ahead.
·         We are currently tracking down a story that goes a long way to explaining County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus’ inexplicable, ardent defense of Martin’s failure to obtain an occupational license and electrical license to conduct his business in Kenton County. 
2012, the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Villa Hills, will be a very important year for the city’s future. The Martin Chronicles will bring you every last detail!
A SPECIAL NOTE FROM OUR PUBLISHER: Sometime in just the next few minutes, The Martin Chronicles will host OUR TEN THOUSANDTH VISITOR. That is TREMENDOUS for a blog that is only in its eighty-sixth day of existence. Especially considering we are reporting on a city that is only 3.5 square miles in size! We have YOU, our growing audience to thank!!