Thursday, January 5, 2012


One of the best reporters working for The Martin Chronicles had a chance encounter with someone who serves as an occasional service provider for the City of Villa Hills. All our reporter did was listen while sharing a couple of adult beverages with the beleaguered vendor. While what our newshound heard was not really a surprise, it served as further confirmation for what we have suspected since we launched our blog on October 8, 2011.
“It is so difficult dealing with Villa Hills”, said the vendor. “I have had a (EXPLETIVE) terrible time finding someone who can answer any of even my simplest questions or has clue one what the (EXPLETIVE) I’m talking about over the past several months.” Again, no real surprise. But our crack scribe continued to listen.
“I’ll tell you what. ($47.50 per hour bookkeeper) Cordelia Schaber is the dumbest person I’ve ever tried to deal with. She is absolutely clueless.” Yup. Still no real surprises.
“And Martin? What the (EXPLETIVE)! There are TOOLS. There are TOOL BOXES. This guy is a (EXPLETIVE) TOOL SHED! What in the (EXPLETIVE) were the voters thinking when they elected a guy like that to run a city like Villa Hills?”
Of course we know the answer to that. Martin received a huge boost from his fellow travelers at the Villa Hills civic club. That lousy little bar next to slimy Lake Nutini is stocked with more TOOLS on any given day than Crescent Springs Hardware. These barflies actually wonder why they struggle to get new members? Martin also ran one of the most dirty, disingenuous campaigns in the history of local Northern Kentucky politics. He organized a veritable lynch mob of family and friends seeking government largesse that he was able to squeeze out a narrow victory in 2010.
We are including the vendor’s next comments to ensure that no identities are unfairly revealed. “I’ve talked with a lot of folks who are trying to do business with the city. Almost to a company, they are all having the same (EXPLETIVE) problems I have. It’s ridiculous!”
The Martin Chronicles believes that Mayor Martin couldn’t care less. He doesn’t give a wit about really running the city. He launched his campaign with a narrow set of vengeful, never-discussed-with-the-public, objectives. His decimation of the Villa Hills Police Department provides definitive evidence that Martin has gone a long way towards accomplishing those hidden goals. Martin’s campaign was all about settling old, personal scores. Martin had no forethought to the problems his mischief would create. Nor does it concern him. As long as he gets affirmation from people the likes of fellow TOOL Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus, he can delude himself into imagining that he is doing a marvelous job.
Now the city is embroiled in lawsuits, investigations, complaints and all manner of mayhem. Our sources tell us it is going to get far worse before there is any hope of it getting better.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The Online Urban Dictionary defines a “tool” as one who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used. A fool. A cretin. Characterized by low intelligence and/or low self-esteem.]