Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another Chance To Get It Right In 299 Days

The Martin Chronicles reported a recent e-mail providing another odd example of Villa Hills councilman Mike Pope’s world view. Pope is once again defending the suspicious activity of his mentor Mike Martin over what is becoming known as the “Firegate Scandal”. It’s time to take a look at what kind of person Pope is.
Mike Pope has created a false image that has made him the darling of the Tea Partiers, Liberty Leaguers, “Civic” Clubbers and other government-hating pinheads. The results prove the tri-cornered hat-wearing crowd loves him for his words alone and they are shockingly oblivious to his works.
His “promise” to see to it that the dreaded $40 sticker tax is repealed has been a bold-faced lie. In point of fact, he voted along with Councilmen Noll and Kilburn, with Martin breaking the 3-3 tie, to make it even more difficult to enforce the still-imposed fee. These four also voted to let everyone with company vehicles and out-of-state plates off the “license fee hook”. Despite this well-publicized, colossal license fee whopper, Pope managed to get re-elected in 2010. That says as much about a goodly segment of the voting public as it does about the dishonest Pope.
In the finest tradition of Josef Goebbels, Pope launched his “alternative reality” city website deceptively including The City of Villa Hills in its’ title. While stating that it is not the OFFICIAL website of The City of Villa Hills, Pope is obviously trying to deceive people into believing that OFFICIAL positions of the city are posted there. Not hardly. The website contains Pope’s twisted propaganda designed to convince voters that Mike Pope-and now Mayor Martin, fellow Councilman Jim Noll and maybe the malleable Greg Kilburn-are good and all the rest of the city’s elected official are of bad intent.
Pope posted an Excel spreadsheet on his bizarre website listing every existing city street-and even some that don’t exist-with dollar figures he claims are required for street repair and eventual replacement. The best part? Pope audaciously titles his spreadsheet his “road plan”. One key element is missing from Pope’s “road plan”. Namely, where the money will come from to fund it.
Pope is fond of saying he was elected by the people, as if others sitting around the council table-again now with the exceptions of Martin, Noll and maybe the flip-flopping Kilburn-were not. He preaches that he is a lone crusader defending the interests of the residents. Despite Pope’s weird puffery, The Martin Chronicles has shown you several of his e-mails where he clearly defends Open Records and Open Meetings violations. He has developed an all too regular habit of attacking any of his “beloved people” who dare question his behavior or the antics of Mayor Martin.
A self-proclaimed accounting genius, Pope has finally achieved his goal to be the city’s finance committee chairman. The result? City financial records that are in shambles, committee members that privately express concern about Pope’s conduct, a complaint filed against him and endless conflict with his colleagues on council over the sorry state of financial reporting.
Pope’s other attempts at working with others have not gone well. He has managed to make himself a pariah at a few other civic organizations. One person who says they had the “misfortune” of working with Pope in another organization describes Pope as “a friendless freak who quickly wears out his welcome because he has an absolutely incurable blind spot when it comes to the views of others.” Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
The voters will have another chance to either embrace Pope’s odd behavior or send him packing in just 299 days. The 2012 council election is pivotal. The Martin Chronicles strongly believes its well past the time to free Mike Pope up to go make mischief on another organization. It will be interesting to see if the voters have been paying attention this time around.