Saturday, April 5, 2014

WEEKENDER: The REAL "Movement Of Hatred"

The Martin Chronicles' readers know full well that this pesky little blog is truly offended by social networkers who have been attempting to brand any and all opposition to Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's corrupt and incompetent Reign of Error as "movements of hatred". It's an obvious effort by Martin and his willing accomplices to marginalize the diminutive dictator's critics who are justifiably concerned about the waste, fraud and abuse that has occurred over the past three-plus years.

Sure, we know we write about this a great deal. But given the growing and important efforts to change the course of Villa Hills in the upcoming mayor and council elections, we feel compelled to write about this issue yet again. Besides, it's our blog!

So let's go back and retrace the missteps that have led Villa Hills to its current embarrassed state.

For reasons only he could ever hope to explain, Mike Martin began his first term on Villa Hills City Council in January,2005 with an odd axe to grind against Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman. Martin appeared to be greatly upset over Schutzman's dual role as the City's building inspector.

Martin immediately began a so-called investigation in to Schutzman's building inspection activities. The feckless fanatic had his sister send Open Records requests to other Cities where the hard-working Schutzman provided similar services in an attempt to somehow prove that Schutzman was working for those Cities while being paid by the taxpayers of Villa Hills. The Martin Chronicles has investigated Martin's claims and know that they were completely without merit.

That didn't stop Martin and his willing accomplices from going door-to-door in the 2010 mayor's race DEFAMATORILY claiming otherwise. One stupid sap has even managed to get himself embroiled in a lawsuit by FALSELY claiming that it is a fact that Schutzman was being paid by the taxpayers of Villa Hills while performing work for other Cities. For the uninitiated, this mindless moron was DECEITFULLY accusing Schutzman of theft.

It gets worse. It is now an indisputable fact that Martin had been signing his deceased mother's name on his deceased mother's checks, cashed his deceased mother's checks and pocketed the proceeds. An investigation in to Martin's suspect activities was begun by officials in Hamilton County, Ohio.

These Ohio-based officials contacted the Villa Hills Police Department. The local police did their duty by looking in to the matter. It was risky. After all, Martin was a member of the City Council. The police knew full well that there was the potential for serious consequences. Brothers and sisters, how right they were.

After several unsuccessful attempts to gain Martin's cooperation in resolving the matter, the police took their findings to the Kenton County Attorney's Office. We now know that it was the Kenton County Attorney who concluded that Martin was committing FORGERY. We now know that it was the Kenton County Attorney who wrote a FORGERY arrest warrant for Martin and took it to a judge who signed off on it.

We also now know that Police Chief Dan Goodenough phoned Martin about the arrest warrant and gave him advice on the least embarrassing way to handle the matter. Martin turned himself in at the Kenton County Justice Center wearing a white shirt and tie and was processed and released in a matter of thirty minutes. Again, thanks to the kind advice of Police Chief Dan Goodenough.

Oh, we know the LIE Martin has told people. Martin likes to spin the FALSE tale that a vindictive Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman rudely cuffed and stuffed the mendacious Martin and drove him to the Justice Center. But, this is just another Martin LIE.

Martin was able to beat the FORGERY rap because he and his attorneys were able to convince an over-burdened judge that he was too stupid to understand the crime he was committing. Martin was afforded the chance to clean up his act and get on with his life. Instead, this is when all hell was unleashed.

A growing number of people are now convinced that this is the moment when the malevolent Martin decided to launch his own "movement of hatred". And he had several potential allies he could recruit for his FALSE "campaign of hate".

Martin began to weave a LIE that he had been victimized for his PHONY good government zealotry. Martin told people that he had been falsely targeted to derail his efforts to uncover non-existent corruption in the mayor's office. Martin wanted people to believe that his FORGERY arrest was trumped up and executed by the mayor, the police chief and the assistant police chief.

Every reasonable person now knows that Martin was LYING. How? Because Martin's $1.505 MILLION LAWSUIT AGAINST THE TAXPAYERS WAS UNCEREMONIOUSLY TOSSED OUT OF TWO SEPARATE COURTS. Four judges rejected Martin's BASELESS LIES that he was an innocent victim and opined that WHAT MARTIN DID FIT THE VERY DEFINITION OF FORGERY. These four judges opined that there was more than enough PROBABLE CAUSE FOR MARTIN'S FORGERY ARREST. When commenting on the merits of Martin's lawsuit, one judge went so far as to write that MARTIN WAS "BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE".

Martin's deep anger escalated to seething rage when his FORGERY problems led to defeat in the 2008 council election. The die was cast for what happened next.

Martin recruited civic club ass clowns-still smarting from the embarrassment of their SIX-FIGURE EMBEZZLEMENT problems-to help push his LIES for him. What better way for these ass hats to deflect blame on to others than by supporting a DISHONEST story that would created the FALSE impression that both they and Martin were just victims of abuse by Villa Hills City Government?  These idiots went "all in".

Martin also recruited a very strange fellow-who was still upset about his loss in the 2006 mayoral race-to assist in this "movement of hatred". This strange fellow put up weird websites condemning the City Administration and promoting Martin's "selfless" trips to Haiti. In retrospect, it was obvious and bizarre. But the inattentive populace of Villa Hills lapped it up at the time.

Finally, Martin pulled it all together for his 2010 mayoral run. Martin's hillbilly lynchmob, the civic club ass faces, the strange fellow-who was still upset about his loss in the 2006 mayoral race-and the mendacious Martin himself told just enough LIES to eke out a razor-thin mayoral victory in 2010. The inattentive voters of Villa Hills had earned the whirlwind they were about to reap.

Over the next three-plus years, Martin has been able to bring his "movement of hatred" to fruition. As he always boasted to the civic club ass clowns that he would, Martin has indeed "picked them off one at a time".
  • Martin "picked off" Sadouskas in 2010.
  • Martin "picked off" Kilburn, Ringo, Sogar and Bruns in 2012.
  • Martin "picked off" Schutzman and then Goodenough in 2013.
Yep, Martin has done all of that while also successfully deflecting attention away from the fact that he was sternly reprimanded by the Villa Hills Ethics Board for his MISUSE OF CITY PERSONNEL AND RESOURCES, WARNED ABOUT HIS ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS by a respected judge and CONVICTED ON SEVEN OF NINE COUNTS OF OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY.

Hell, Martin even got a stupid woman to come to a podium to foolishly proclaim that "this mayor (Martin) does great things for people". Josef Goebbels would be proud of what Martin has been able to accomplish with his BIG LIES. But is that a good thing?

So here Villa Hills sits. Phony financial records. Crony hires and contracts. A devastated police force. Embarrassing media coverage. Children being fleeced to participate in sports. ILLEGALLY DESTROYED City records, A roads program that has done nothing since Martin took to the mayor's office. Legal expenses rapidly approaching TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Martin's personal attorney hired to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ATTORNEY. A man hired as City Clerk who was given a THIRTY-THREE PER CENT TAXPAYER-FUNDED PAY RAISE to also serve as City Administrator approximately forty-eight hours after providing BASELESS testimony against former Police Chief Dan Goodenough.

Despite all of the intimidation and threats, The Martin Chronicles is not the least bit afraid to say it. The voters put a corrupt and incompetent clown in to the mayor's office in 2010. The voters surrounded Martin with a mean-spirited, stupid or spineless council to complete the "movement of hatred" in 2012. But the voters of Villa Hills get yet another opportunity to redeem themselves. How?  By voting Martin, his taxpayer-funded goon squad and the rest of his willing accomplices out on their asses in less than seven months.

We'll be watching.