Friday, April 18, 2014

WEEKENDER: Easy To Be Sleazy

The Martin Chronicles is amazed at how easy it is for Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin to be sleazy. Just look at his shameless practice of perpetually using TAXPAYER money to surround himself with his cronies.

Martin didn't wait long to build his TAXPAYER-FUNDED  "good old boy" network. He brought his old pal Cordelia Schaber on to the CITY PAYROLL to mangle the books just weeks after taking office in January, 2011. Schaber has been a bucket-headed disaster whose complete lack of accounting ability continues to make it easy for Martin to prevent the voters from knowing the true extent of his profligate spending. Taxpayers can take no comfort in the grim fact that Martin is forcing them to pay Schaber $47.50 PER HOUR despite her abject incompetence.

What else but cronyism explains Martin's hiring of the socially-awkward giantess Mary Hardman, supposedly just for tax season, in 2011? Not surprisingly, Hardman continued to have her snout in the TAXPAYER TROUGH well after tax season ended. To repay Martin for paying her all of that TAXPAYER-FUNDED MONEY, Hardman went so far as to tell the tall tale that she thought it was okay for Martin to ILLEGALLY DESTROY CITY RECORDS because she read a book about how to be a clerk.

Perhaps the hire that continues to have more people all across the Tri-State scratching their heads than any other is Martin's indefensible appointment of his personal attorney Toad V. McMurtry to serve as the TAXPAYER-FUNDED CITY ATTORNEY. It wouldn't even matter if McMurtry was a good attorney-and that is hotly debated. The appearance of impropriety and conflict of interest are both staggering. But since when has Martin cared about that? He is the CEO, after all.

Long-time Martin observers also tell us that the puny punk constantly complained that retired Police Chief Michael "Corky" Brown served as the part-time City Administrator from late 2004 until 2008. The little liar griped that it was a waste of money to pay Brown for his knowledge and experience.

My, how times have changed. Martin now has no problem giving City Clerk Craig T. Bohman a TAXPAYER FUNDED THIRTY-THREE PERCENT PAY INCREASE to also serve as the "part-time City Administrator". So, does Martin now see the value of the position? Or, is Martin using TAXPAYER MONEY to repay Bohman for the key role he played in running off both Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman and Chief Dan Goodenough?

And now Martin is going to help  Erlanger Captain Jansing build yet another TAXPAYER-FUNDED PENSION? This is not about Erlanger Captain Jansing. This is about Mike Martin's cronyism.

As we have already reported, sources say Martin is considering extending a five-year contract to Jansing. This could tie the hands of a new mayor if Martin is defeated in the upcoming election.

Suppose a new mayor wanted to go in a different direction come January 1, 2015? Would Martin's legacy of lawyers and lawsuits continue well past his terrible term in office? That is entirely possible.

November 4 cannot get here soon enough.