Thursday, April 17, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: The Fix Is In Again

The Martin Chronicles sources in the City of Erlanger are telling us that malfeasant Mayor Martin has already chosen a successor for ousted Police Chief Dan Goodenough. These sources tell us that Martin, Mary Koenig and others have already selected former Crescent Springs Police Chief Mike Jansing to leave his job in Erlanger to begin building a third retirement nest egg as the Chief of Villa Hills' decimated department.

We are also hearing that Jansing is being quite open about the back door deal he's struck with Martin. First, Martin and his supplicant Safety Committee will go through the charade of interviewing candidates. Then, they will announce that they have decided to hire Jansing. They just won't announce that the decision was made even before any other candidates were interviewed.

Jansing is also telling people that he's gotten Martin to agree to signing a five-year contract that will secure Jansing's employment even if the voters toss the tiny tyrant out on November 4.

Barely 200 days to go!
Mike Jansing