Friday, April 6, 2012

A Second Serving Of Red Ink, Anyone?

With all the wailing and gnashing of teeth at the last council hoe-down, The Martin Chronicles let it slip by. At least temporarily. But it is such a good example of the REAL double-standard in Mayor Mike Martin's scandal-ridden town of Villa Hills that it is worth at least a quick look on this Good Friday.
To what do we refer? Martin's shoulder-shrugging announcement at the March council meeting that he had next year's budget ready. Our first reaction? This oughta be good!

Why do we say that? Well, we did some digging. Martin did not ask the Police Chief for any input on next year's budget. Martin did not ask the Public Works Director for any input on next year's budget. Martin did not ask the endlessly-interim City Clerk for any input on next year's budget (we know that because all of her cob webs and dust are undisturbed). Martin did not ask the Fire Authority for any input on next year's budget. Martin did not ask the City's recreation committee for any input on next year's budget. Given the surprised look on the faces of the majority of council, Martin also chose not to seek any input from them.

"So what?", you might be asking. Well, that means that next year's budget proposal is going to be the solo "brainchild" of the same mismanaging mayor who has made such a financial mess this year that he has had to plead with council to give him a $125,000 budget amendment just to save "his wife's (?) house". That $125,000 of your wasted money will soak up only a portion of the red ink Martin has spilled all fiscal year long

Enough for now. We plan to spend the rest of our day contemplating the profound, cosmic significance of the events we commemorate on Good Friday.