Sunday, April 8, 2012

Have A Joyous Day

The Martin Chronicles wishes all of its Christian readers a Happy Easter. To our Jewish readers, we wish a Happy Passover. Both are profound celebrations of humanity’s deep connection to the limitless love of The Creator. Both celebrations recognize the mystery of rebirth and freedom.

While The Martin Chronicles staff spends the day with family and friends, our publisher will continue to work on several story leads so that everyone can hit the ground running on the pursuit of the truth in Villa Hills on Monday morning. Some of the leads our publisher is working on include-

·         Is Mayor Martin truly weighing his options as he faces Special Counsel’s presentation of the initial findings to be delivered to city council and the public on April 30?

·         Is Mayor Martin instead actually preparing to launch a dirtbag counter-attack against his perceived enemies as a smokescreen to divert attention away from all of his misdeeds and malfeasance?

·         Have even more City records somehow disappeared during Special Counsel’s search for the truth?

·         Is one of Mayor Martin’s long-time allies looking for an escape hatch to escape possible liability for the evidence that is going to be presented on April 30?

·         Has a formerly –resistant, long-time city employee done a flip-flop and decided to cooperate with Special Counsel’s investigation, resulting from Mayor Martin’s pathetic effort to lay blame on them?

·         Is the former chairman of the city’s ethics board preparing to launch a bizarre defense of Mayor Martin, blaming the sane majority on city council for all of the current problems in Villa Hills?

·         Did Mayor Martin provide false answers to the Special Counsel’s interrogatories?

·         Has Mayor Martin’s three-page Manifesto placed the taxpayers in the position of being hit with a LIBEL lawsuit?

·         Did Mayor Martin’s recent actions increase the likelihood that a sexual harassment lawsuit will be filed against the city?

·         Has Mayor Martin’s baseless allegation against a city councilman at the last council meeting set the stage for even more turmoil (or as the pinheaded headline writer at would say, “infighting”)?

·         Have law enforcement official collected further evidence of Mayor Martin’s illegal destruction of city documents resulting from Martin’s scurrilous document burn on January 5?

The Martin Chronicles is hot on the trail of these and several other story leads. Monday will be here before you know it. Please enjoy your day today.