Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How Many Lies Can YOU Find?

The Martin Chronicles is so very pleased that Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin wrote his three-page Manifesto. Why? Because he filled it with such a grab bag of lies and libel that are sure to make the April 30 Special Counsel Presentation so much more exciting.
Oh yeah, Martin also signed the letter. Well, given his history, we better qualify that. Someone signed Mike Martin’s name to the letter. We’re still working to confirm that part of the story. Why is that significant? Because Martin may have just triggered another LIBEL lawsuit.
Let’s explore the infamous story of Martin ordering the City safe crushed open with a backhoe yet again. How does Martin falsely describe what he did in his confabulation-filled “A Note to Villa Hills Residents”?
I asked all the city’s department heads if they had the combination and all three said no. I then contacted a locksmith company and found that they would charge the city a minimum of $500 to open this safe. After learning that a new safe could be purchased for only $250, I opted to purchase a new safe. Not wanting to discard a piece of city property that might potentially have something of value in it, but also not wanting to pay $500 to have it opened, I made the decision to have our public works department open the safe. Some very old papers and a modem were all that was found in the safe.
This paragraph may hold some kind of record for containing the most lies. First of all, this version of Martin’s story contradicts Martin’s original version to the media. The Manifesto’s version is also different from the version Martin provided to the City’s Ethics Board. The Ethics Board version is also different from the one Martin provided the media. Is The Martin Chronicles the only one spotting a pattern here?
Proof of lie number two, one of the department heads told Martin that while he did not have the combination to open the safe, he could get it. Martin chose not to wait a day. What was the sense of urgency?
Proof of lie number three, Martin actually had another department head get the cost estimates from locksmiths. The department head advised Martin that a locksmith would open the safe for $178.
Proof of lie number four, it was therefore not cheaper to purchase a new safe than to hire the locksmith. Let’s see, $250 for a new safe? $178 for a locksmith? Uh, that means hiring the locksmith would have saved the City $72.  It would also have saved the City a year-and-a-half worth of embarrassment. It would have also avoided the need for Martin to violate State laws regarding the disposal of City property.
Proof of lie number five, Martin did not consider buying a new safe until after it had been discovered that he improperly destroyed the original City safe.
Proof of lie (of omission) number six, Martin improperly used the City Tax ID to purchase the new safe. Again, after the destruction of the original safe was discovered.
Proof of lie (of omission) number seven, Martin didn’t "ask" the public works department “to open the safe”. He ordered them to crush it open with a backhoe!
For all of you who still believe the admittedly dim-witted Martin is simply struggling his way through some silly “learning curve", you couldn’t be more wrong. The corrupt CEO has known exactly what he has been doing all along.
Finally, how will we every really know what was in the safe? Given the fact that Martin managed to squeeze at least seven lies into five sentences about the safe in his Manifesto, can we believe anything he says? About anything? Ever? Even once?
Of course we can't.