Friday, March 23, 2012

Why Rush A Budget Amendment?

The Martin Chronicles sees the sense of panic in Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin’s face. As he has repeatedly told numerous people, he doesn’t want to lose “his wife’s house (?)” over the colossal spending mess he alone has created beginning on July 1, 2011. 
Now he wants council to bail him out by holding an emergency meeting to pass a budget amendment. This despite the fact that no new budget was enacted for the current fiscal year. Martin was almost pleading with council to cave in at their March 21 meeting. We sincerely hope council says, “NO”! If Martin persists, council should tell him to go jump in to Lake General Zod.
We believe council will have to amend the budget to clean up the horrible mess that Martin is solely responsible for creating. By statute, council does have the fiduciary responsibility to appropriate the funds that Martin has over-spent. The council has a duty to protect the City’s credit and to make sure all of Martin’s bills are paid.

Martin has mismanaged the City’s budget into a huge shortfall. But why amend the budget now? Why waste even more money publishing a budget amendment in the next several weeks? So Martin can sleep better at night? Frankly, to (EXPLETIVE) with him and his profligate over-spending.
What if Martin exceeds the budget by even more than some emergency amendment provides for? Given the mismanaging mayor’s pathetic budget skills, that is a strong possibility. Then council will have to retrace their steps and re-do the process. Even more taxpayer money will then be wasted.

Council would then be fairly criticized for that waste of taxpayer money. They should not amend the budget now.
The Martin Chronicles strongly endorses amending the budget ONE TIME. They should do so in July. Only then will they know the bill the taxpayers will owe for the havoc Martin is wreaking.

If Martin is having trouble sleeping at night perhaps he should try zolpidem.