Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Unasked Questions

The Martin Chronicles often writes about unanswered questions. That is part of what we perceive as the function this plucky little blog with the ever-expanding audience serves. This post is going to deal with something a little different. In this post we will explore unasked questions.
We have a few heretofore unasked questions for Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin. They are all really very simple. They are follow-ups to comments Martin made in The Kentucky Enquirer’s March 9 now-famous “infighting” article and in the article immediately following the February council meeting in The Community Recorder.  At first blush, it seems a bit surprising that reporters from The Kentucky Enquirer and Community Recorder didn’t ask any of these follow-up questions. But evidently they didn’t. Well, they are the “dinosaur media” after all. So, here goes.
“So you really plan to go door-to-door now to explain to residents why you have continued to refuse to bring the police department up to proper manpower levels for more than a year?”
“Why have you waited more than a year to offer your explanation?”
“Don’t you think if you had explained your reasons a year ago that City Council would have been more inclined to work with you to enact a budget for this fiscal year?
“How do you explain the explosion in police overtime ($175K) and the shocking spike in crime in Villa Hills?”
“How do you explain the fact that you admittedly have not discussed the overtime problem and building and zoning arrangement with the Police Chief for more than a year?”
“What role do you now think your now-summarily dismissed lawsuit against the taxpayers and two police officers played in the many management problems of the past fifteen months?”
“Do you think your now-summarily dismissed lawsuit against the taxpayers and the two police officers interfered in any way with your ability to effectively carry out your responsibilities as mayor?”
“Does your conscience ever bother you when you think about the fact that you lied to all the residents of Villa Hills when you told them you were not suing them?”
“Do you ever wish you would have just thanked your lucky stars that you weren’t tried and convicted for your forgery and avoided all your SLANDER, LIBEL, HARASSMENT, RETALIATION and the embarrassment that has followed?”
“You have on several occasions stated without qualification that you do have all the requisite licenses and permits to run your home improvement business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Do you care to comment on the letter just received by a council member and The Kentucky Enquirer from a homeowner in Edgewood where you performed work in which they state, among other things, you told them you did not have all the requisite Kentucky licenses and permits?”
Look, we get it. Martin would never answer any of these questions truthfully. He can’t. His foolish actions over the past fifteen months have placed him and the taxpayers in a very serious box.
Martin would simply offer up his usual drivel about the many problems he inherited from the previous administration and the cloying peaks and valleys of his mayoral duties. In other words, he would once again lie.
Perhaps that is why the “dinosaur media” reporters don’t even bother to ask Martin the questions. Perhaps, much like us, they have figured him out.